Guest Column: What Would the CDC Whistleblower Say Under Oath?

Real reason for the Ebola ‘phenom’: distract our attention from a medical atrocity?
Excerpted from Jon Rappoport’s October 27, 2014, column

DissolvingEditor’s Note: More Rappoport on the high crime that seems to have been totally blanked out by the mainstream media… which makes sense. Because the media who have been covering up the crime and those who committed the crime have a lot at stake. Mercury-laden vaccines cause autism and brain damage, especially in children. It’s a clinical fact. A fact for which indisputable evidence exists that insiders of the CDC (Center for Disease Creation) intentionally have attempted to conceal from the American public. Those responsible for this conspiracy—of knowingly causing great bodily harm–and its coverup are going to go to jail for a very long time. As they should.

Everything I’m reading and viewing demonstrates clearly that vaccines in general are (and have always been) a massive fraud perpetrated on a gullible, unsuspecting public–causing immeasurable harm, especially to the young–for the obscene profits and perpetuation of the medical cartel. Ref. Suzanne Humphries, Dissolving Illusions. I don’t believe I’m overstating the case. Please do your own research.

Rappoport’s Column

On August 27, CDC researcher William Thompson admitted, through his lawyer, Rick Morgan, that he and his co-authors committed egregious research fraud in 2004.

They exonerated the MMR vaccine, in a key published study, claiming it had no connection to autism—when it did.

Thompson is listed as an author on many studies, and it’s time to find out whether he committed further fraud.

He also participated in a September 26, 2007, CDC press teleconference, “Early Thimerosal [mercury] Exposure [via vaccines] and Neuropsychological Outcomes at 7 to 10 Years.” (The paper is at this link).

The purpose of the teleconference was to assure one and all that mercury in vaccines plays no role in neurological damage to children.

Here was Thompson’s key comment: “…regarding the IQ effect, it was difficult to interpret because we found that among girls increasing thimerosal exposure was associated with lower verbal performance. But with boys increasing thimerosal was associated with increased performance IQ. So again, reiterating what Dr. Schuchat said, we interpreted it as random associations that we found by chance…”

That comment is certainly suspect. Writing off, as random, lower verbal performance in girls who had increased exposure to vaccines containing mercury—Thompson should be put under oath to explain himself, in great detail.

But it gets worse. Much worse. In a more recent recorded phone call with Brian Hooker, posted at the Autism Media Channel, Thompson reverses himself, and makes several emphatic and powerful points about mercury in vaccines:

“I don’t know why they still give it [a vaccine containing mercury] to pregnant women…that’s the last person I would give mercury to.”

Thompson’s meaning is clear: mercury in vaccines causes neurological damage to the unborn child.

He goes even further: “There is biologic plausibility right now to say that thimerosal [mercury in vaccines] causes autism-like features.”

Coming from a CDC insider, these statements tell us a great deal about the huge number of government studies on the “non-connection” between mercury and autism.

The need to have Thompson testify to everything he knows about vaccine research at the CDC is pressing.

The CDC is both a public-relations front for the vaccine industry and a research center. To say that the two roles don’t mesh is a vast understatement.

How could the CDC avidly promote vaccines and, at the same time, admit that any of its studies on vaccines raise huge red flags about safety?

Answer: it couldn’t.

The conflict of interest is overwhelming. On that basis alone, every “scientific statement” the CDC makes about vaccines should be rejected.

And on top of all of this, the CDC is in charge of setting the schedule for all childhood vaccines: which vaccines, how many, when they are injected, and with how many follow-up boosters.

The very pattern of organization and function of the Agency is blatantly corrupt.

Whistleblower Thompson is certainly not the only researcher at the CDC to have seen and participated in fraud. There are others. They are hiding what they know—while huge numbers of children are being damaged by vaccines.

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