Guest Column: New policy to push vaccines like junk food

Industry abandons facts, invokes fabricated emotional stories to push compliance
by Ethan Huff, Staff Writer, Natural News (original here)

Vax(NaturalNews) At the behest of the World Health Organization (WHO), the so-called “SAGE [Strategic Advisory Group of Experts] Working Group on Vaccine Hesitancy” has put together a report for the United Nations arm outlining new strategies to convince more people to get vaccinated. And in this report, recommendations are made that the vaccine industry market its vaccines in the same way that fast food corporations market junk food products to children — by appealing to emotion, telling fairy tales and ultimately deceiving consumers.

No matter how much propaganda the vaccine-pushers force into the mainstream media these days, a large segment of the public simply isn’t buying it. And this fact has prompted WHO to hire various teams of marketing consultants to come up with new ways to essentially trick people into getting jabbed, a laborious process that led WHO straight to the world’s most disingenuous marketing gurus — junk food companies!

According to, WHO decided that the beset way to sell more vaccines is to enlist the marketing advice of the International Food and Beverage Alliance (IFBA), whose 11 members include The Coca-Cola Company, PepsiCo, Nestle, Unilever, General Mills and McDonald’s. Each of these multinational corporations admits to using calculating methods to sway customers to buy their unhealthy products, not the least of which includes appealing to people’s emotions rather than providing truthful facts.

Happy Meals, cigarettes, alcohol and now vaccines – how the marketing of poisons has evolved over the year

In the SAGE report, the working group explains how it “explored private-sector approaches to shaping behaviour, as well as strategies used by other organizations to change behaviour.” In other words, WHO’s goal through SAGE was to develop a foolproof marketing approach that would have the biggest impact in convincing people who question or oppose vaccines to change their minds, regardless of the facts.

Among the group’s recommendations are various marketing tactics that have been employed by the likes of cigarette manufacturers, alcohol distributors, fast food chains and other toxic industries over the years to make poisons seem appealing. One of these tactics is to avoid any mention of facts or truth, and instead focus on messages that suggest benefits for a product, whether real or imagined.

Take a look at this hilarious 1931 ad for “germ-proof” Camel cigarettes being recommended by a fictitious ear, nose and throat doctor. The header reads, “Give your throat a vacation…,” with the following line referencing “fresh” cigarettes, the implication being that smoking Camels will help you breathe better:

Or how about this ridiculous ad for “vitamin donuts,” which shows smiley, rosy-cheeked children chowing down on refined flour rounds “fortified with a minimum of 25 units of Vitamin B1”:

The absurdity of both of these ads, the latter of which suggests that children who eat donuts will somehow gain “pep and vigor” (which is an obvious lie), illustrates what the SAGE Working Group means when it says on page 48 of its report that vaccine manufacturers need to adopt the philosophy that “Consumers care about benefits, not supporting facts.” Read it for yourself here:[PDF]

This tactic has repeatedly been used by companies like McDonald’s to push Happy Meals, by alcohol companies to push hard liquor, by cigarette manufacturers to push “cancer sticks” and soon by vaccine corporations to push chemical-laden poison jabs.

People are dumb, suggests WHO, so win them over to vaccines through emotion rather than facts

  • Some of the other deceptive recommendations in the SAGE report include the following:
  • Focus on “the power of the story” — make up myths about children dying from polio or something and warn parents that if they don’t vaccinate their children, they could be next!
  • Appeal to people’s emotions rather than reason. When reason is involved, people reach conclusions, which in the case of vaccines will more than likely be that vaccines are highly risky and dangerous. Emotions, on the other hand, lead to action — or as the report puts it, “change comes from feelings, not facts.”
  • Use social media to “win the hearts, minds, and now, voice” of the public. In other words, infiltrate people’s “friends” and “followers” groups to promote vaccines as a safe and effective way to prevent disease, even though this is a lie.
  • Hide the connection between private industry and pro-vaccine propaganda — convince parents that those pushing vaccines are independent and on their side rather than just trying to make huge profits, or worse, trying to kill their children!
  • Identify subject matter that people can relate to or that they want to talk about and tie it in with pro-vaccine agenda — Do you like cars? Your favorite brand says vaccines are awesome!
  • If you have to, present what appear to be facts (but that aren’t actually true) alongside your emotional appeal to seal the deal and win another vaccine convert.
  • Focus on just one or two “big ideas” to encourage “dialogue back and forth in the context of social media” — once again, infiltrate people’s social circles online and repeat, over and over again, that vaccines are safe and effective, vaccines are safe and effective, vaccines are safe and effective.
  • Push pro-vaccination “social norms” — all the cool people are getting vaccines, and so should you!
  • Push school-based programs to indoctrinate children into believing vaccines are good for them.

And on and on the list goes, beginning on page 48 of the SAGE report:[PDF]

The biggest takeaway here is that the mother ship of the vaccine agenda, the United Nations (through WHO), is openly admitting that pro-vaccine science is a myth, and that it doesn’t exist. If vaccines really were safe and effective, and the science truly backed this, then WHO wouldn’t need a marketing strategy in the first place.

But because vaccines don’t actually work and aren’t safe, WHO’s vaccine division is resorting to the same fraudulent marketing tactics that companies like McDonald’s use to promote Happy Meals and Big Macs — make the product look as good as possible and manipulate people into buying it by appealing to everything other than reason and common sense.


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