Guest Column: Vaccine Injury Compensation

Government’s Broken Social Contract with Parents
by Barbara Loe Fisher
National Vaccine Information Center excerpt 11/10/15

Three decades ago, Congress created a federal vaccine injury compensation program (VICP) and gave the pharmaceutical and medical trade industries a partial product liability shield under the National Childhood Vaccine Injury Act of 1986. The goal was simple: to restrict civil lawsuits against vaccine manufacturers and negligent doctors whenever government mandated vaccines injure and kill Americans. 1

In the 21st century, Congress went further and directed federal agencies to develop a public-private business partnership with the pharmaceutical industry. 2 3 Today, multi-national corporations marketing vaccines enjoy a $15 billion dollar U.S. and $30 billion dollar global vaccine market that will reach $100 billion in 10 years. 4 5 Continue reading

Guest Column: New policy to push vaccines like junk food

Industry abandons facts, invokes fabricated emotional stories to push compliance
by Ethan Huff, Staff Writer, Natural News (original here)

Vax(NaturalNews) At the behest of the World Health Organization (WHO), the so-called “SAGE [Strategic Advisory Group of Experts] Working Group on Vaccine Hesitancy” has put together a report for the United Nations arm outlining new strategies to convince more people to get vaccinated. And in this report, recommendations are made that the vaccine industry market its vaccines in the same way that fast food corporations market junk food products to children — by appealing to emotion, telling fairy tales and ultimately deceiving consumers.

No matter how much propaganda the vaccine-pushers force into the mainstream media these days, a large segment of the public simply isn’t buying it. And this fact has prompted WHO to hire various teams of marketing consultants to come up with new ways to essentially trick people into getting jabbed, a laborious process that led WHO straight to the world’s most disingenuous marketing gurus — junk food companies! Continue reading

Brian’s Column: Coming to Jesus on Vaccines

Deactivating ‘compulsive mind’ on such important issues

jesus_180First, I want to apologize to those I’ve already contacted with a flurry of posts and bcc emails reacting to events of early last week (~9 February 2015) when commentators and Big Pharma pushers called for harsh measures to punish those who resist forced vaccination. [The recent hysteria calling for forced vax stems from a presumably contrived outbreak of measles at Disneyland.] I myself went straight into reactive mode at the horrifying vision of medical fascism coming full bore to the streets, homes, and schools of America.

The problem is that this mental ‘reactive’ or compulsive-mind approach merely spins the wheels of conflict, and fails to break the cycle of medical aggression or to disrupt the reactive/compulsive mind-rack of many otherwise intelligent and decent people who support such vax aggression. Instead what we need to do, particularly with the latter, is adopt what I’ve come to call a ‘Jesus Mode’ consciousness. As someone who fully understands that 99% of the human population is victimized by compulsive mind, Jesus puts himself in a position to break thru that compulsion by parables and simple logic. Continue reading

Book Review: Natural Cures (2004)

“They” don’t want you to know about
by Kevin Trudeau

Natural CuresKevin Trudeau is one of those guys you either love him or you hate him. So I buck the trend by really liking him for the essential things and questioning his judgment on some less consequential matters, e.g. of various claims or assertions on health items. On balance, I feel the thumbs should point substantially up for this energetic, courageous individual… who, no doubt, at least borders on hucksterism in some areas. [Remember caveat emptor?]

Let’s put it this way. The federales, particularly the FDA and the FTC, would like to ban his books and throw him in jail forever. So he may not be Mohandas Gandhi, but he can’t be all bad. Continue reading