Brian’s Column: The Independents’ Qualification (IQ) Test

World’s Smallest Quiz of Whether One Thinks for Oneself

IQ_TestDavid Nolan, founder of the Libertarian Party (1971), developed a series of questions that measured a respondent’s liberty quotient, that is where he stood wrt economic liberty and civil liberty… which were plotted on an X-axis and Y-Axis, respectively. It became known as the Nolan Chart and the basis for the Advocates for Self Government’s ‘World’s Smallest Political Quiz.’ []

The Independents’ Movement leadership has come up with a dual-axis chart that measures one’s alignment with Independent psychology. Start at the zero point in the middle of the chart and proceed either positively (-> Indie) or negatively (-> Zombie). Here are some initial questions whose correct answers are all Yes:

Question: Do you know: Know
1) Fed income tax applies solely to earnings based on federal privilege? 10 10
2) WTC 7 (not struck by plane) fully demolished on 9/11/01 at 5:20 p.m.? 10 10
3) US defense-lab-weaponized thermite explosive residue at WTC? -10 10
4) Sandy Hook elementary school was not in operation on 12/14/12? -10 -10
5) Toxic aerosol spraying of atmosphere poisons our every breath? 10 10
6) Protective layers of atmosphere shredded by toxic aerosol clouds? 10 10
7) Lab animals exposed to GMOs suffer lethal consequences? 10 10
8) ‘Smart’ meters endanger human health and illegally surveil persons? 10 10
9) CDC high officials concealed test data showing vaccine-autism link? -10 10
10) Compulsory schooling designed to create soulless obedient drones? 10 10
Total of adjoining two columns 40 80

The IQ test determines whether you know or don’t know about key facts of reality, then a) if you know whether you are willing to assert or acknowledge the fact or b) if you do not know whether you go further to explicitly deny the fact.

Note that to Ack a fact simply means you wish to have any criminal activity investigated and indicted by a citizens’ grand jury without government interference. The results above are just a sample. The full implementation of the IQ test will be shown on the companion handbook to The Truman Prophecy… and on the Website.

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