Brian’s Column: Is Hillary Clinton a Deep Op?!

Like Barry Soweto before her… or phony wars for power and chaos …


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… or fake news’ incidents clearly orchestrated by government to further a life-and-liberty-robbing agenda—Sandy Hook and Boston, to name just a couple for which we have hard facts that establish a public-official role. Or false-flag true crimes such as the grandaddy of all of them, 911, where real people are slaughtered in a plot masterminded and executed by Orwellian insiders to create a War on Terror/War on Freedom… perpetual war for perpetual domination.

Only this time the Western Cabal (New World Order, globalist mob, bankster king- makers, Alien Space Lizards) appears to be grasping at straws at the end of its rope; the Clinton campaign and Hillary’s supposed foregone conclusion of presidential selection, in multiple grand gestures of self- destruction, is transgressing boundaries of crimes against humanity that even the AG of the United States can’t sweep under the Mainstream Media. Now on the eve of Hill’s presumed magic getaway into the hallowed halls of the Oval Office, her crime syndicate is taking incinerating heat from all sides.

The exposés and charges are coming much too Fast and Furious [ 🙂 to shed a little postpartum rain on Mr. Obama’s sadistic scandal] for a deliberately paced Web columnist such as myself to keep on top of. And it truly only just occurred to me today to think of HRC’s rise as a prolonged sleeper-cell operation of the deep state! Now that assessment is inescapable. So let me give you the pieces that seem significant to me from a smattering of stories in and around Webville:

 Breaking News: The People Striking Back vs. the NWO Death Star

assange_protestSomething’s happening in England, at the Ecuadoran Embassy where Julian Assange is in asylum. Here’s the address by Assange, then listen to subsequent speakers; the first man is a spokesman of some Latin American and South American countries protesting the harassment of Assange and all the other whistleblowers and truth tellers, most eloquently. This footage is from Friday, 10/22/16. I’m sure more is on the way.

Assange/WikiLeaks has just begun to fight. What’s coming to torpedo the Clinton War and Death Machine—even if the Machine succeeds in suiciding Assange (because he is reported to have a ‘dead man’s switch’ algorithm to release immediately indictable criminal acts of Ms. Hillary and hubby Bill)—will make what’s come before “pale by comparison.”


As the highest priority Donald Trump MUST announce he will immediately pardon Julian Assange… and Edward Snowden… and all US National Security State High Crimes’ whistleblowers!

cryout_2a_20161024Evidence of Election Rigging in the Making

Poll of Likely Voters Finds 53% Want Hillary Indicted
If 53% of voters want Hillary indicted, how can she be leading in the presidential race?
Which of the polls is wrong?

dnc_dirtyThe Project Veritas report on ‘dirty tricks’ and election rigging. Part 1 here, then links to Part 2. Be sure to share widely, also tweet to anchors at mainstream media outlets.

From Paul Craig Roberts (PCR) column
The presstitutes have gone all out to demonize both Trump and any mention of election rigging, because they know for a fact that the election will be stolen and that they will have the job of covering up the theft.

A Comparison of Trump’s and Hillary’s Crowds
Trump’s crowds are hundreds of times larger than Hillary’s, so how is it that she is
in the lead? We are being told lies in order to cover up the coming election theft.

Hillary Crowd with Creative Camera Work

hrc_rallyTrump Crowd, Typical, Two and Three Times per Day

dt_rallyHow the MSM is behaving abominably as journalists
Dear Mainstream Media… by Paul Joseph Watson.

headlinesIt appears that George Soros has supplied many of the voting machines for the coming election.

Site working on indictments for DNC primary election crimes… and those to come:

Roger Stone’s site for monitoring election day results and exit polls:

Neverending War

Dr. Strangelove uber alles. Hillary and the Democratic administration of Barack Obama are inciting imminent nuclear war with Russia.

Hillary’s plan for regime change in Russia:

The Hillary Special: War Crime
Paul Craig Roberts
Today, October 20, 2016, is the fifth anniversary of the murder of Muammar Gaddafi by forces organized and unleashed by US President Obama and Secretary of State Hillary Clinton. Note that none of the presstitutes have asked the killer bitch about her guilt under the Nuremburg laws for this war crime prepared on her watch.  Note that the oligarchs who own the killer bitch and their press prostitutes intend to make this war criminal the next president of the United States.

Leading up to the Big One (WW3), what have they done with Julian Assange?
Julian Assange [Wikileaks founder, who has been reporting indictable criminal behavior re: Hillary Clinton and her  ‘Western Cabal’ associates] has been missing since his  Internet cutoff on Friday (10/21/16). An official statement Sunday by WikiLeaks concerning his safety has only raised fears he has been captured or killed.

The current reality of the siege of Mosul, Iraq
The battle for Mosul is more about redeploying thousands of US-supported ISIS fighters to Syria, along with perhaps letting Turkish forces move in to control evacuated areas.

Why Trump may actually be the correct choice… or certainly not a disaster

Trump’s ‘Crossroads’ speech:

From Mike Adams, Trump’s First 100 Days speech:

Humor from Jon Rappoport
Will Hillary’s body double be the next President?
“Dear Mom,
“I’m trying to be exactly like Hillary. I really am. That’s my job. I hope this message gets through. The people around me are supposed to be “tight security,” but they aren’t all that attentive.
“Some of them don’t like Hillary and Bill.
“Anyway, can you believe I might become the next President of the United States?”

Final Note

As I stated, the material on Hillary’s serial crime sprees is coming to light faster than a political promise; you will probably notice how much longer it takes to access many of the above pages with your browser. “Hillary’s Downfall” may indeed be “Planet Earth Spring” in the making. People wanting to know the truth are swarming to fill the vacuum of mainstream “All Fake News, All the Time.” Take part in your own liberation, abort the would-be reign of Darthette Vader and reboot human civilization for We the People vs. They the Mob.

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