Brian’s Column: With Hillary Inciting WWIII, Gotta Go Trump

It’s not just the Wikileaks that disqualify Hitlery, it’s imminent nuclear annihilation

hillary_warmongerSummarizing from my latest Facebook post: “With Trump we liberty people have real issues—for one thing he has said he wouldn’t mind seeing Snowden executed extrajudicially PLUS he certainly hasn’t expressed any appreciation of Julian Assange’s Wikileaks that are burying the Clinton crime family—but FOR SURE with her we’ll get tyranny and death. Trump has laid down the gauntlet vs. the so-called ‘globalists.’ Johnson and Weld, if they win in a fluke, will fold like an accordion to the globalist Death Star.”

Yes, this is a reversal of my most recent stand for the Johnson- Weld ticket, but so much water has gone under the bridge in the previous week. For one thing the Wikileaks keep on a comin’. Trump has to realize  that he is being helped enormously by Julian Assange—Hitlery wonders why hasn’t the Wikileaks founder/leader been ‘droned’—so a rational thing for Trump to do is to claim he will:

  • pardon Ed Snowden
  • pardon Julian Assange
  • pardon Chelsea Manning
  • etc., etc., release and reward all the whistleblowers and political prisoners

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Articles: Hillary as a Killer Deep State ‘Op’

From an email recently sent to my email bcc distribution lists

hillary_warmongerTurning it into an open letter for posting on the Web thru my Coffee Coaster auspices…

Dear Friend,

Coming much too Fast and Furious for a deliberately paced Web columnist such as myself to keep on top of. And it only just occurred to me a few days ago to think of HRC’s rise and anointing as a plan of the Deep State. I assembled two special ‘cryouts’ this week on extremely urgent news for all citizens of the world.

  • Julian Assange [Wikileaks founder, who has been reporting indictable criminal behavior re: Hillary Clinton and her  ‘Western Cabal’ associates] has been missing since his  Internet cutoff on Friday (10/21/16). An official statement Sunday by WikiLeaks concerning his safety has only raised fears he has been captured or killed. Courtesy:

What’s staggering to me, and I think to any conscientious, caring American, is that absolutely no mainstream media news agencies are covering either of the above stories—stories that portend a) the end of all your freedoms all the time and b) the end of humanity (except for those who have prepped with fallout shelters and the elites who have been set up with underground ‘Strangelove’ havens). [Still, a single new Russian super-heavy nuclear RS-28 Sarmat (aka Satan II) missile, expected to be operational in 2016, can wipe out an area the size of Texas or France. My guess is Doomsday 2016 makes the surface of the earth uninhabitable for thousands of years. Nobody is going to want to live underground forever, even with endless jumbo-screen, multimedia reruns of Downton Abbey and House of Cards.] Continue reading

Brian’s Column: Is Hillary Clinton a Deep Op?!

Like Barry Soweto before her… or phony wars for power and chaos …


Please Share Image Early and Often

… or fake news’ incidents clearly orchestrated by government to further a life-and-liberty-robbing agenda—Sandy Hook and Boston, to name just a couple for which we have hard facts that establish a public-official role. Or false-flag true crimes such as the grandaddy of all of them, 911, where real people are slaughtered in a plot masterminded and executed by Orwellian insiders to create a War on Terror/War on Freedom… perpetual war for perpetual domination.

Only this time the Western Cabal (New World Order, globalist mob, bankster king- makers, Alien Space Lizards) appears to be grasping at straws at the end of its rope; the Clinton campaign and Hillary’s supposed foregone conclusion of presidential selection, in multiple grand gestures of self- destruction, is transgressing boundaries of crimes against humanity that even the AG of the United States can’t sweep under the Mainstream Media. Now on the eve of Hill’s presumed magic getaway into the hallowed halls of the Oval Office, her crime syndicate is taking incinerating heat from all sides.

The exposés and charges are coming much too Fast and Furious [ 🙂 to shed a little postpartum rain on Mr. Obama’s sadistic scandal] for a deliberately paced Web columnist such as myself to keep on top of. And it truly only just occurred to me today to think of HRC’s rise as a prolonged sleeper-cell operation of the deep state! Now that assessment is inescapable. So let me give you the pieces that seem significant to me from a smattering of stories in and around Webville: Continue reading

Brian’s Column: More Thoughts on Election 2016

It came to a head for me with the 1st Trump-Hillary debate…


A Secular Trumanist Perspective

… to which I posted this commentary on Facebook, and also here as my 9/25/16 column. Essentially, a pox on everyone’s house, but you gotta go with Johnson-Weld because  Trump and Hillary will equally bad for civil liberties and peace .AND. Johnson-Weld actually have a chance to win (whereas none of the other ‘minor’ candidates does).

Then I posted this to Facebook and sent via email blind cc to my political distribution lists:

We interrupt this year’s presidential election with an important announcement. As shown in debate Donald Trump supports ‘stop and frisk’ and denying your gun rights if you are on a federal no-fly list. He also believes, as does Hillary, that we must intervene by supporting ISIS in Syria to stop ISIS, to destroy innocent lives and very likely initiate World War III. Clinton wants to bring whistleblower Ed Snowden to trial, while Trump wants (“wouldn’t mind”) to see him executed as a traitor.

Both candidates are pro Big Government and anti human liberty… and epitomes of establishment corruption and criminality. They cannot even spell the Bill of Rights, and certainly not the nonaggression principle. Either candidate, as president, will very likely destroy the final vestiges of America as a constitutional republic.

Gary Johnson and William Weld are not fiery, principled libertarians, rather successful, practical politicians with a small government agenda. They are neither corrupt nor dishonest. They will seek to expand the range of action, without government interference, for people as individuals and start to roll back the Leviathan state in several key areas. I emphatically endorse the Johnson-Weld ticket, will vote for them, and hope you will, too. Continue reading

Brian’s Column: First Trump vs. Hillary Debate 2016

What’s missing from ALL the prez candidates is grasp/assertion of simple truths…

… and/or willingness to stand up for them

gary_johnson_debateWatching the first TV debate between Trump and Hillary. Both candidates are wholly buying the false terror narrative and not a word is being uttered on behalf of the fact that ‘we’—what I’ll rather whimsically, but nonetheless accurately, refer to as the Transnational Zionist-Neoconservative Alliance (TZA)—have created and support ISIS. Trump is a disaster on civil liberties, supporting NYC’s ‘stop and frisk,’ not even discussing the phenomenon of corrupt cops decimating the ‘underclass,’ mainly blacks and Hispanics, in the urban environment… not that that fact is what is causing the several riots, which are contrived responses, as well, for the chaos agenda of the elites.

Actually, on that score you have to give the edge to Hillary who does not support ‘stop and frisk’ and at least acknowledges the wholesale corruption and menace of major city police departments across the country… or at least doesn’t strongly deny the phenomenon. Both of them want to disarm anyone on a no-fly list, which at least Trump throws out a crumb, that the (vast numbers of) people who are on the list in error should be able to prove that they are there wrongly.

Trump even conceded that Obama was born in the United States, after he says he made Obama produce an “authentic birth certificate.” [Pardon me, I don’t think an authentic Hawaiian birth certificate has yet been made public, because I do not think one exists.] Of course, Hillary puppets all the false-flag ‘alleged terrorist’ incidents, using them as a pretense for more power to send to Washington to further destroy our rights. On that score Trump weakly chimes in with slightly different tacks, but conceding as ALL the candidates do, the false-flag TZA state terror and war agenda. Continue reading

Guest Column: Trump vs. Newspeak

Why the elite media were completely wrong about his chances
by Jon Rappoport [full March 2, 2016, column here]

Exit From the MatrixBecause they live in a bubble of their own making. That’s why.

And in that bubble, everything about America is manageable. Things can get worse, but then they get better. Money is tight, then it’s loose. Employment figures drop, then they rebound. Wars start, and then they end.

Looking at the country and the population through the wrong end of the telescope, these media creatures feel themselves positioned high above the madding crowd. To them, phrases like “street smart” and “savvy” are the closest they get to anything real.

Occasionally, they remark that people are restless “out there” and looking for a change—as if Obama, with his massive slogans, somehow supplied that need for eight years and solved the whole problem for a while. As if the problem was simply a psychological kink that needed to be worked out. Continue reading