Brian’s Column: ‘Trump’s Team,’ Ghosts of Christmas Past

Yet if liberty people step up, there’s light at the end of the tunnel

Strength thru Unity
Unity thru Faith

Just in case anyone is misinterpreting my assessment of what we are in store for with the Donald, here’s an interchange I produced in econversation with some Michigan liberty Republicans regarding the latest cabinet and advisor prospects

It appears to me that the Trump gang is going to be carrying the water for the Israel Lobby just as much as Hillary would have, with the possible exception of not upending Syria for a while. His statements and staff selections indicate he’s on board with the Greater Israel Project, especially in terms of invading and/or attacking Iran.[1]

He also appears to have fanatical belief in the Ziocon[2]-contrived War on Terror and its associated Constitutional infringements—not to mention the continuing unbroken string of false-flag attacks of global state terror—, such as stop and frisk [not even Hillary was for stop and frisk, at least not publicly]; he’s antitruth on several fronts (pals with many of the legitimate suspects of the 9/11 attacks, such as Larry Silverstein and other major Ziocons), is a sadistic Medievalist when it comes to drug freedom and women’s choice, is okay with poisoning the environment (and us) with GMOs, glyphosates—anything the Monsanto/Big Agra cartel wants to throw our way, including slow death by geoengineering and weather warfare.

He likes torture, mass incarceration, rendition, full-spectrum illegal surveillance, all the baubles and trinkets of the US-Israeli imperial juggernaut running amok. In short, where Hillary represents the totalitarian left, Trump represents the totalitarian right… and when you get right down to it, the individual of liberty in either regime is dead meat.

Law enforcement and the military ϋber alles! Bona fide tyranny coming atcha.

You think he’s going to roll back, like, maybe the Bureau of Land Management? Let all the Clive Bundys of the West go free? Dream on, my patriot brothers and sisters. Trump shows every sign of putting the pedal to metal on DHS, TSA, and going after anyone who says anything positive about Muslims or, well, the Bill of Rights. Property rights and environment? Forgedaboutit. Big Oil, Frack City, CAFOs, ‘smart’ meters all around. I bet he even relents on questioning the onslaught of medical fascism, mandatory vaccines, gun freedom, and all the rest. Trump is coming out of the gate like George Bush III… on steroids.

Plus, he really is, by nature, a pompous, whim-worshipping idiot. His fortune is a political one, not bred of innovation… rather connections and state coercion. Watch the ESPN story on the USFL, why it went belly up and who drove the bus off the cliff. It’s pure undiluted Trump, the part that doesn’t change.

But this isn’t about personalities, it’s about what marionettes the (inter)national security state and bankster overlords want in office. We’re all being played, like a professional wrestling promoter giving us caricatures of good and evil, no matter who wins, the promoters (and the caricatures) profit. I do feel good that Hillary has temporarily crashed. But nothing’s going to change, not until we the people call all of them on their big bluff. [Trumanism and ubiquitous people’s grand juries… and on the street level, individually, hand-to-hand combat, black belt knowing and asserting the (First Principles-based) law… e.g. Eddie Craig’s fine presentation here re: traveling. ]

Note: By now, it should be pretty obvious that Trump and Hillary are two sides of the same globalist-statist (Ziocon, mainly, with a trace of old-fashoned Anglo-imperialism) coin… that any liberty inclined persons who lined up for the man were honestly duped, or else—if they still think Trump is going to do anything for freedom—have the IQ of jello. It’s over. Libertarians for Trump have one choice: howl for his head on a stick… for the outrage of historic betrayal. Pence, too. The rest of them, too. The time has come to boycott the federal government entirely, secede and arrange for the banksters to make copious reparations to ‘us the people’ in the period of transition to republic. We do not need them.

I expect the Tenth Amendment Center will be going full tilt boogie, Shane, though for more ‘leftist’ causes. The Republican Liberty Caucus won’t be getting much rest either for the next four years. And what’s the story on the anti-Antisemitism Act that the Senate just passed 99-0? Proving that everyone on the Hill and in the Oval Office a) cannot read (the Constitution), b) is committing willful treason, or c) does what he’s told?

Orwell has arrived. Time for the liberty movement to rise in earnest and terminally bitch slap the little bastard(s) who would be king. Learn your rights and assert them. Take away the funding. [Ref. to the Hendrickson Discovery and his liberating sine qua non book, Cracking the Code.] We’ll be fine. But YOU have to step up.


Special Disclaimer Regarding Antisemitism

Antisemitism has come to mean anti-Jewishness. Neither I nor 99% of the millions of individuals (many of them Jews) who question or deplore actions of the state of Israel or political Zionism—which led to Israel’s creation—are anti-Jewish… any more than those of us who deplore the Ku Klux Klan are anti-Christian. — bw

[2] Ziocon is a contraction of Zionist and Neoconservative, which designate cooperating, global-collectivist movements aiming to mercilessly rule, while destroying, humankind—through subterfuge suborning relentless aggression upon the masses. Ziocons, today, are the prime movers inside the so-called New World Order [my term: Old World Order]… through the whole of the 20th century taking the reins from forces of the British oligarchy, aka the Anglo-imperialistas. Ziocons are certainly the deep causal agents of the 9/11 attacks. Please research for yourselves: e.g. [a] [b].














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1 thought on “Brian’s Column: ‘Trump’s Team,’ Ghosts of Christmas Past

  1. Thanks for being a real man/libertarian and telling me I’ve been right from day one Many of the libertarians are still delusional and thinking that Donald Trump is somehow a Ron Paul. Not in 1 million freaking years

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