Obama the War Criminal Butcherer of Women and Children
By Paul Craig Roberts [Original column here.]
When you believe in things
That you don’t understand
Then you suffer
Superstition ain’t the way — Stevie Wonder
Editor’s Intro:
Unless a CIA-led preemptive coup against Donald Trump is successful and leaves the current one in the saddle a bit longer, the man known by the system as Barack Hussein Obama will be leaving the Oval Office on January 19, next Thursday. Whoever he is or was, the 44th president is the epitome of the made man for the über-globalist syndicate running America and the Western World. What a complete artificial human being, a phantom, a nonentity! Just scour the Web for this organism’s actual reality, much stranger than fiction.
Unfortunately, the mirage person was the focal point for unleashing holy hell on real people planetwide, especially for what he boasted that he really ENJOYED most of all: with his hand on the joy stick (I’m paraphrasing only slightly), “I like killing women and children with drones; I’m good at it.” PCR captures the essence of our bona fide psychopath in chief as he walks out the door, and identifies all those wonderful things we need to remember him for. [Note: the Stevie Wonder lyrics seem apropos: so many people were taken in by the false front… and, as a consequence, untold millions of others paid the ultimate price.
Hard to believe I voted for O in 2008! To save us from Warhead Bush. We are sooo lied to.
And if Trump inaugurates, I fear it will be deja vous all over again. Tho I didn’t vote for him.
Paul Craig Roberts:
There is no doubt that US President Barak Obama is a war criminal as are his military and intelligence officials and most of the House and Senate.
Obama is the first president to keep the US at war for the entirety of his eight-year regime. During 2016 alone the US dropped 26,171 bombs on wedding parties, funerals, kid’s soccer games, hospitals, schools, people in their homes and walking their streets, and farmers tilling their fields in seven countries: Iraq, Syria, Afghanistan, Libya, Yemen, Somalia and Pakistan. http://blogs.cfr.org/zenko/2017/01/05/bombs-dropped-in-2016/
What does the administration have to show for eight years of illegal military interventions in seven countries, none of which comprised a danger to the US and against none of which the US has declared war? Terrorism was created by US invasions, no wars have been won, and the Middle East has been consumed in chaos and destruction. Worldwide hatred of the United States has risen to a record high. The US is now the most despised country on earth.
The only purposes of these crimes is to enrich the armaments industry and to advance the insane neoconservative ideology of US world hegemony. [Let’s not pull any punches, Paul, do not forget the neocons’ masters in arms, the deep-state Zionistas and the Greater Israel Project — ed.] A tiny handful of despicable people have been able to destroy the reputation of the United States and murder millions of peoples, sending waves of war refugees to the US and Europe.
We call these “wars,” but they are not. They are invasions, largely from the air, but in Afghanistan and Iraq from troops on the ground. The invasions by air and land are entirely based on blatant, transparent lies. The “justifications” for the invasions have changed a dozen times.
The questions are: If Trump becomes president, will Washington’s massive crimes against humanity continue? If so, will the rest of the world continue to tolerate Washington’s extraordinary evil?
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