Guest Column: What Kind of People…

… would look the other way in the presence of gross injustice?
Post by Thomas Are via Paul Craig Roberts [Original here]

What kind of people would enjoy a sumptuous meal in front of a starving child and simply say, “Go away kid, you bother me.”?  None that I know.  What kind of people would deliberately withhold food and destroy the means of growing food in the context of abundance surrounded by children reaching out for crumbs from the table and simply say, “I don’t care?” I don’t personally know anyone so calloused because I don’t personally know any Israeli Zionists.

Next month, Israel will be celebrating its 50th anniversary of occupying the Palestinian West Bank, East Jerusalem and Gaza [and the June 8, 1967, deliberate, unprovoked attack on the USS Liberty… AND decades of ethnic cleansing and apartheid —ed.].  Is that something of which to be proud?

Since the Six Day War (and war crime attack on the Liberty) Israel has:

  • Demolished over 48,000 homes in the West Bank and Gaza
  • Confiscated over 586,000 acres of Palestinian land the West Bank
  • Created 300,000 Palestinian refugees
  • Colonized the West Bank with over 600,000 Jewish settlers
  • Enacted over 50 laws that discriminate against Israel’s Arab minority
  • Established an apartheid legal system with civil courts for Jewish settlers and separate military courts for 4.5 million Palestinians, including indefinite detention without trial and a conviction rate of over 99%.[1]

Why do we Americans, who years ago quit believing in a “superior race,” continue to support and fund a nation which brags about being a nation for a superior race? What has happened to the voice of those who believe there will be peace for all only when there is justice for all?  As long as America continues to insist that the Palestinians are all terrorists and demand that our friends call them terrorists who are just out to kill Jews, there will be little hope for peace there or living with a clear conscience here.  And Israel will continue to kill, imprison, torture and steal land and water from the Palestinian nation. Over 800,000 Palestinians have been arrested since the 1967 war Israel celebrates this week.[2]

And, what kind of people would look the other way in the presence of such injustice.  Well, my fellow Americans, perhaps we all should look in the mirror.

Thomas Are

May 30, 2017

[Coffee Coaster Column link]

[1] Fifty Years on…A Call for Liberty and Justice for All,, 50 Years of Illegal Occupation. May 26, 2017

[2] Mondoweiss, Letter to President Donald Trump from Families of Palestinian Prisoners in Israeli Jails, May 24, 2017.

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