Brian’s Column: Omamacare V

“…I was sick and you visited me.” — Jesus

[Omamacare IV]

Omamacare V5Ms. Phyllis Joy Wright (85), aka Mom, lives with me in my condominium in Novi, Michigan. She’s a special-needs senior who has a genetic ailment called polycystic kidney disease (PKD), which has required hemodialysis three times a week since September 2009. This is the fifth in a series of seven columns that I have written or will be writing for purposes of:

  1. recording a ‘you are there’ diary of care for a real person in a representative yet relatively upscale healthcare system in contemporary America Continue reading

Book Review: No Treason: The Constitution of No Authority (1870)

The Constitution of No Authority
by Lysander Spooner
Review by Brian Wright first posted July 20, 2009

…”on principles of law and reason”

No Treason: The Constitution of No AuthorityIn No Treason, Lysander Spooner uses the above expression on practically every page. On those foundations, he makes his case that the US Constitution—and by universal extension, any other formal written document that aims to set up a compulsory central government—cannot be morally or legally justified. Primarily Spooner focuses on the weaknesses of the “social contract” argument. He puts the Constitution to the test of contracts, as prevailed in his time and place, and concludes that it does not meet the basic criteria for a contract at all… hence is not valid or binding on anyone. Continue reading

Movie Review: Dear America (1988)

Letters Home from Vietnam (9/10)
Review by Brian Wright
Dear America

Mrs. Stocks (Ellen Burstyn):
[In a letter to her KIA son, left at the Vietnam Memorial]
Dear Bill,

I came to this black wall again, to see and touch your name. William R. Stocks. And as I do, I wonder if anyone ever stops to realize that next to your name, on this black wall, is your mother’s heart. A heart broken fifteen years ago today, when you lost your life in Vietnam. And as I look at your name, I think of how many, many times I used to wonder how scared and homesick you must have been, in that strange country called Vietnam…. [1: remainder] Continue reading

Guest Column: Club of Liberals

Thoughts on the club of liberals, transhumanism,
and depopulation, by Jon Rappoport

libertas_veritasJanuary 25, 2013:

By liberals, I simply mean those people who accept big government as a given, regardless of their political affiliation.

And yes, at certain key levels, they are a club. They come from major media, large corporations, banks, the military, well-funded foundations, investment houses, do-good non-profits, legal and medical societies, academic factories, think tanks, and of course the huge pool of government employees. Continue reading

Brian’s Column: Comforting the Sick

… or the temporarily out of commission
(initially posted 8/15/11)

Providence Park HospitalIt occurred to me the other day, after visiting a neighbor who is hospitalized, that I may have acquired a certain penchant for this sort of modest gesture. Many seem to consider a willingness to visit the sick—especially those who are not good friends or kin—a hallmark of sensitivity. Reading the Bible, Matthew 25:36, Jesus says, “Naked, and ye clothed me: I was sick, and ye visited me: I was in prison, and ye came unto me.” Which I remember from Sunday School many years ago. Well, I don’t consider myself overly sentimental, but looking out for others does bring a profound (even selfish) satisfaction. Continue reading

Book Review: Crimes against Nature (2004)

Son of Bobby nails the Plunder Elite for destruction of the environment
by Robert F. Kennedy, Jr.
Crimes Against Nature

What’s so exciting about this expose is that Mr. Kennedy—senior attorney for the Natural Resources Defense Council, chief prosecuting attorney for Riverkeeper, and president of Waterkeeper Alliance—advocates an extreme “free-market” position:

“You show me a polluter and I’ll show you a subsidy. I’ll show you a fat cat using political clout to escape the discipline of the free market and load his production costs onto the backs of the public.”
— pg. 190 Continue reading

Movie Review: Sleepless in Seattle (1993)

One of the favorite movie romances of all time,
and for good reason __ 9/10
Review by Brian Wright

Sleepless in SeattleDoctor Marcia Fieldstone: Tell me what was so special about your wife?
Sam Baldwin: Well, how long is your program? Well, it was a million tiny little things that, when you added them all up, they meant we were suppose to be together… and I knew it. I knew it the very first time I touched her. It was like coming home… only to no home I’d ever known… I was just taking her hand to help her out of a car and I knew. It was like… magic. Continue reading