Guest Column: US Foreign Policy, Palestine-Israel, and BDS

Platform statement by Jill Stein, Green Party candidate 2016

Green_PartyEditor’s Note: I’m pretty sure the vaunted Libertarian Party platform takes no such stand for common-sense decency in foreign and military policy—certainly not to the extent of implicating Israel for “war crimes and massive human rights violations,” and supporting the BDS (Boycott, Divestment, Sanctions) movement. [BDS seeks to end Israel’s regime of occupation, settler-colonialism and apartheid over the Palestinian people.]

The Greens are holding their national convention in Houston next weekend (August 4-7), and the way I read the tea leaves, they will be on the ballot in 24-30 states. By contrast, I expect the Libertarian Party, currently at 36 states, will achieve ballot status in very close to 50 states. Basically, even though the LP has ‘shot itself in the foot’ in many ways insofar as taking the ethical high road of the nonaggression principle, I’m still leaning toward the LP’s Johnson-Weld ticket… though weakly, esp. every time I hear William Weld open his mouth.

Anyway, Here Goes, I Only Wish an LP Had Written Something Similar

The Jill Stein campaign calls for ending support for governments committing war crimes and massive human rights violations, including Israel and Saudi Arabia.

It supports the BDS movement as a peaceful, nonviolent set of actions organized by civil society across the world aimed to end Israeli apartheid, occupation, war crimes, and systematic human rights abuses. Continue reading

Guest Column: Israel’s Worldwide Role in Repression

Excerpt of white paper from International Jewish AntiZionist Network
[Full original column here; white paper here.]

“Those who have the privilege to know have the duty to act!” — Albert Einstein
“Those who have the privilege to see have the duty to look!” — Brian R. Wright

Israel_Police_State_RoleEditor’s Note: The white paper is a couple of years old, but considering the source—namely a network of respected mainly-Jewish journalists and scholars who question the Zionist foundations, goals, and even the legitimacy of the Israeli state qua self-righteous, ethnic-cleansing operation—it’s amazing to see such a sane perspective persist midst the barrage of largely Zionist-sourced mind control to which ‘the West’ is subjected, 24/7/365. I’d like to also recommend a couple of key books for readers as objective analyses of important history and intentions of these particular ‘Men of the Power Sickness‘ who would rule Palestine and, indeed, the world:

The hyperlinks take the reader to my reviews of what I consider two of the most liberating-via-truth-telling books of the 21st century.


This pamphlet focuses on the role of Israel’s government, its military, and related corporations and organizations in a global industry of violence and repression. The states most involved with this industry profit from perpetual war and occupation across the globe while maintaining vastly unequal societies of their own.

Israel exports weapons, technologies, training, and techniques of violence for use by governments and corporations against populations around the world. The expertise on which it relies has been developed through its occupation of Palestine and parts of Lebanon, Syria, and Egypt, as well as its repression of and military aggression against the people living there. Continue reading

Guest Column: Ali Championed Palestinian Liberation, Who Knew?

Muhammad Ali: “I declare support for the Palestinian liberation struggle”
Dr. Kevin Barrett, c/o Veterans Today [Full VT column here]

AliThe mainstream media doesn’t want you to know one important thing about Muhammad Ali: His all-out, unreserved support for the liberation struggle of the Palestinian people against Zionist genocide.

Samidoun writes:

In 1985, Ali traveled to Israel in an attempt to secure the release of Lebanese and Palestinian prisoners imprisoned in occupied Southern Lebanon. This followed on his visits to Palestinian refugee camps in 1974, when he declared in Beirut that “the United States is the stronghold of Zionism and imperialism.” While visiting Palestinian refugee camps in South Lebanon, he declared:

“In my name and the name of all Muslims in America, I declare support for the Palestinian struggle to liberate their homeland and oust the Zionist invaders.”

The mainstream media has no problem celebrating Ali’s heroic resistance to the Vietnam war. We’ve all heard about that.

So why won’t they even mention the Champ’s equally heroic stand on behalf of the Palestinian people? Continue reading