It came to a head for me with the 1st Trump-Hillary debate…
… to which I posted this commentary on Facebook, and also here as my 9/25/16 column. Essentially, a pox on everyone’s house, but you gotta go with Johnson-Weld because Trump and Hillary will equally bad for civil liberties and peace .AND. Johnson-Weld actually have a chance to win (whereas none of the other ‘minor’ candidates does).
Then I posted this to Facebook and sent via email blind cc to my political distribution lists:
We interrupt this year’s presidential election with an important announcement. As shown in debate Donald Trump supports ‘stop and frisk’ and denying your gun rights if you are on a federal no-fly list. He also believes, as does Hillary, that we must intervene by supporting ISIS in Syria to stop ISIS, to destroy innocent lives and very likely initiate World War III. Clinton wants to bring whistleblower Ed Snowden to trial, while Trump wants (“wouldn’t mind”) to see him executed as a traitor.
Both candidates are pro Big Government and anti human liberty… and epitomes of establishment corruption and criminality. They cannot even spell the Bill of Rights, and certainly not the nonaggression principle. Either candidate, as president, will very likely destroy the final vestiges of America as a constitutional republic.
Gary Johnson and William Weld are not fiery, principled libertarians, rather successful, practical politicians with a small government agenda. They are neither corrupt nor dishonest. They will seek to expand the range of action, without government interference, for people as individuals and start to roll back the Leviathan state in several key areas. I emphatically endorse the Johnson-Weld ticket, will vote for them, and hope you will, too. Continue reading