Book Review: After 9/11 Truth, 2d Edition (2015)

Review and comments attending 14th anniversary of the 9/11 attacks

After_911_Truth_Cover_Front_ReducedIt’s September 11, 2015, and we still have not had a fully empowered special grand jury investigation bringing indictments of legitimate suspects of the human species-altering crimes of the 9/11/2001 attacks. Still, something tells me that by this date next year, we WILL see such a development… and those truly responsible for the act—including foreign government personnel at the highest levels of military and intelligence organizations who acted as architects and prime movers of the plot—will be brought to trial, conviction, and justice.

In honor of the many victims of 9/11, including the thousands who have suffered and/or prematurely died from lung and other diseases from breathing the asbestos-laden air following the disintegration of the World Trade Center towers, I am slightly editing and also repackaging the original book into this latest edition (which will be available on the Amazon book link by the end of next week, 9/18/2015). Truly I am only making changes to how I am fitting After 9/11 Truth into the integrated truth movement… including my own movement I am calling Toto Worldwide. Continue reading

Brian’s Column: Truth and Justice Caucus

Proposing a Truth and Justice Caucus for the Libertarian Party​
[… and perhaps apply it to the other political parties]

2d_revolutionIn the interests of growing party participation toward the ultimate goal of a free society worldwide, I’m forming the ‘Good Neighbor Truth and Justice (GNT&J) Caucus’ to persuade LP and Libertarian Party of Michigan supporters to take a new political strategy along the lines advocated in my books, Leaving the Sandbox ( and After 9/11 Truth ( (and other sources). Specifically, the caucus will: Continue reading

Guest Column: Canada Bans Charlie Hebdo Author

Denied entry into Canada due to hot-potato Charlie Hebdo book

hebdo-barrettby Kevin Barrett,  Veterans Today Editor

This Friday, after preaching a sermon to 400 people at the Wayne State University mosque in Detroit, I attempted to enter Canada.

The subject of my sermon was “truth vs. hypocrisy.” I urged Muslims to defeat the war on Islam – a genocide campaign that has taken the lives of at least four million Muslims since 1990 – by exposing the truth about the false flag operations that created and sustain it.

The mother of all false flags was 9/11. And the biggest recent one was Charlie Hebdo – a Mossad-DCCI joint operation in Paris last January 7th. Continue reading

Brian’s Column: After 9/11 Truth, Ch. 12

Leveraging the TLC campaign to other causes

Sunshine“Walkin’ in the sunshine, sing a little sunshine song…” — Roger Miller

This is the ultimate and very important step for all who take up the 911TLC cause.

As a Campaign for Liberty activist strongly urged to me in the days leading up to completion of the book, we need to think of our rather low-effort 911TLC work, really—after all, we’re sending out letters and telling one another how great we are in Master Mind meetings (!)—in the context of the broader liberty movement.

In other words, each of us in the TLC program needs to lend a hand to those out there organizing and fighting for freedom on all the other issues.

Totally! Continue reading

Book Review: After 9/11 Truth (2015)

The Death Star in Ashes: Humanity Rises
by Brian Wright (reviewed by the author)

After_911_Truth_Cover_Front_ReducedMore of a description than a review.  I want to hold a place in Book Reviews for my Coffee Coaster Website, and point to the book both with the intent to encourage sales and to promote the cause-oriented, 9/11 Truth movement activities that the book After 9/11 Truth founds. These activities are a ‘new model’ for achieving success for the truth—’truth’ defined simply as debunking the official story (OS) of 9/11 and beginning to empanel fully empowered grand juries to investigate and bring indictments of legitimate suspects in the case.

My aim was break the logjam in the movement of incessant talk with actions that yet produce no real prospect of a tipping point to a sea change of public opinion… that we require to obtain healing justice for the Crime of the Century. From the book jacket: Continue reading

Brian’s Column: After 911 Truth, Chapter 2

Refresher 9/11 Truth Course: Bundle with a Bow

911_Knockout“The false narrative of what happened on 9/11 can no longer be supported or sustained by any reasonable person.”
— Christopher Bollyn, open letter to Pope Francis, March 25, 2014

This chapter is from my column on boldly entitled, “After 9/11 Truth.” I had been thinking that in terms of the logic and argument and sheer magnitude of evidence, it’s all over but the shouting. So why not seal the deal and do what Frances Kendall and Leon Louw did to South African Apartheid in 1987,[1] write a book assuming its inevitable demise?

Make 9/11 Truth a self-fulfilling prophecy. Continue reading

Brian’s Column: After 911 Truth, Chapter 7

The Share it Forward System

“The proper definition of a man is an animal that writes letters.”
― Lewis Carroll

What follows—thru chapter 11—is my description and advocacy of a unique letter-writing program, that I have referred to mainly as my 9/11 Truth-Letter Closure campaign (911TLC). Where a ‘letter’ may be either written correspondence using paper and envelopes (or cards) via the US mail or, really, anything else that resembles such: email, chat message, forum post.

The diagram below is the context diagram for 911TLC.


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