Brian’s Column: The SAILE Fallacy

Sacred-Authority Abstraction Impervious to Logic or Evidence
(Okay, it’s technically SAAILE… also more an addiction, syndrome, or disease)

VAQSo where did I come up with this line of thought? From near the front lines of the Vaccine Culture Wars… a college-educated lady friend recently reacts poorly to my communication of a succinct scientific analysis of so-called herd immunity with comments:

“Since the beginning of vaccination, there is little [i.e. no] proof [and no reason to believe] that vaccines are responsible for eradicating disease even when herd immunity vaccination levels (95%) have been reached. [Quite the contrary: ‘By the end of 1868, more than 95 percent of the inhabitants of Chicago had been vaccinated. After the Great Fire of 1871 that leveled the city, vaccination was made a condition of receiving relief supplies. Despite the passing of strict vaccination laws, Chicago was hit with a devastating smallpox epidemic in 1872. … vaccinating most of the population (which would later be termed herd immunity) did not protect the population from the scourge of smallpox.‘–Suzanne Humphries, Dissolving Illusions: Disease, vaccines, and the forgotten history. Innumerable instances of other mass vaccination failures exist, and for other diseases.] — parenthetical comments mine, bw

Note: virtually the entire range of fundamental logic that applies to the safety and efficacy of today’s vaccines is located in this essential column from investigative journalist Jon Rappoport. The knowledge in Jon’s column enables you to slice & dice provaccine shills. 

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Guest Column: Fly Behind Closed Doors

Excerpt from Foster Gamble’s July 11, 2015, column in Thrive
Full column here

I heard someone yelling and turned to the stage where an ancient-looking, paunchy, white man with red-rimmed eyes and a snarl was scolding the participants.

“I don’t know how many times I have to repeat it. We can’t control this many people. We have to get rid of most of the useless eaters and it’s not happening fast enough. You each have power and responsibility in this, so what the hell have you been doing this last year?”

A CEO from a chemical company stood to defend himself, saying, “We control over 80% of what they eat already, and we have laced it with GMOs, hormones, aspartame, and pesticides. Our MSG combines elegantly with all the High Fructose Corn Syrup they consume to create cancers and heart disease and diabetes at an unprecedented rate.” Continue reading

Brian’s Column: Good Neighbor Libertarian Quickstart Guide

Intended to orient and get affiliates and individuals going quickly


sunshine manThis column is based on a two-sided, one-sheet description of the same name, which I’ve uploaded to a pdf file here. The idea behind it is to provide advance information on the Good Neighbor Libertarian (GNL,  pronounced genial) political activation system I’m writing a book about. This GNL system is essentially a methodology for generating rapid growth in effective libertarian solutions to the main categories of the massive central corporate-state assault upon real human individuals in the incipient American police state. I also expect to dramatically raise ‘body count’ of caring, effective people monitoring public-official councils and holding them accountable for securing liberty. Continue reading