Brian’s Column: After 9/11 Truth, Chapter 4

Stepping up to Satyagraha

“To confront Evil of this MAGNITUDE, facts alone are not enough.
The 9/11 truth movement is, and must be, the heart of a growing global ‘truth force’ (Satyagraha) initiated by M. Gandhi on September 11, 1901.
— Barbara Honegger, MS, Behind the Smoke Curtain

SmokeMany thanks to Ms. Honegger, whom I look forward to the pleasure of meeting. Her comments at the Town Hall Theater in Seattle, January 2013—which became the dagger video: Behind the Smoke Curtain—are the origin of my own discovery of Satyagraha.

Indeed, the idea of a smoke curtain (official deception) is integral to my Barrier Cloud concept just discussed in Chapter 3. The dispelling of that obstacle thru deep spiritual resources—that I point to in the BC monograph—also folds in perfectly with the cosmic moral force of Truth as the ultimate remedy to political, even as Barbara demonstrates, “Diabolical,” Evil. Continue reading

Brian’s Column: After 9/11 Truth, Chapter 5

The Inner Game: Finding One’s Authentic Swing

Freddie “Physician, heal thyself.” — Jesus

Years ago, when I was just starting out as a cause-oriented sort of fellow, I wish someone had exposed me to a brief lesson such as what I’m about to try to impart. It may have saved me—and those around me—a lot of ‘Sturm und Drang’[1] accomplishing very little positive, healing, or lasting.

It’s not a radical discovery by any means, but one seldom appreciated by those setting out to slay dragons: Namely, to be most effective in the pursuit of noble deeds for ‘all of society,’ one must first expel the internal demons that limit our own fulfillment. Eckhart Tolle puts it as follows: Continue reading

Brian’s Column: 9/11 Truth-Letter Closure Campaign, Part 2 of 3

More on setting up the personal message

Continued from Part 1.

Vertical_GFABefore we go into the steps for writing and sending our personal letter of appeal to action that we’ll be writing, we need to give some thought to our audience. Aside from the categories, what distinguishes the majority of the people we’ll be sending to—of the 353 names on my own personal lists, I’m estimating that more than half are deniers—is they are ‘respectable,’ generally established middle and upper-middle-class people who desperately do not want to face the facts about 9/11:

If the Official Conspiracy Theory (OCT) is not true, then the alternative idea that insiders in and around the highest levels of their US government authority conspired to commit a false-flag act of state terror killing thousands of Americans, resulting in illegal US wars of aggression to murder hundreds of thousands of non-Americans, finally unleashing a global militaristic police state to destroy the last vestiges of liberty—serving the conspirators’ agenda of world domination and depopulation—… is far too LARGE to wrap their minds around: Continue reading

Brian’s Column: Good Neighbor Libertarian Quickstart Guide

Intended to orient and get affiliates and individuals going quickly


sunshine manThis column is based on a two-sided, one-sheet description of the same name, which I’ve uploaded to a pdf file here. The idea behind it is to provide advance information on the Good Neighbor Libertarian (GNL,  pronounced genial) political activation system I’m writing a book about. This GNL system is essentially a methodology for generating rapid growth in effective libertarian solutions to the main categories of the massive central corporate-state assault upon real human individuals in the incipient American police state. I also expect to dramatically raise ‘body count’ of caring, effective people monitoring public-official councils and holding them accountable for securing liberty. Continue reading

Movie Review (II): Anatomy of a Great Deception—The Happening

Launch Party premier of extraordinary film by David Hooper
Event commentary and movie review by Brian Wright

Marqiuee_DaylightThis column is as much a ‘Happening’ review as a movie review. The Happening is the actual debut of the film, in Detroit, Michigan, at the Fillmore entertainment center (for most of its life, the State Theatre). Mr. David Hooper, producer and writer/director of the film, is on hand, as are the many people on the production and promotion team. In addition, Mr. Richard Gage, founder and director of Architects and Engineers for 9/11 Truth (, comes into town to introduce Dave on stage and generally contribute to the success of the launch. Continue reading

Movie Review: The Anatomy of a Great Deception

How Building 7 woke me up
by David Hooper

Anatomy1This column is as much a ‘Happening’ review as a movie review. The Happening is the actual debut of the film, occurring in Detroit, Michigan, at the Fillmore entertainment center (for most of its life, the State Theatre) on September 5, 2014. Mr. Hooper, producer and writer/director of the film, has pointed me to an early draft version of Anatomy for review purposes. And… I… am… so… glad… he… did!

Like David, I came to question the official story of the 9/11/2001 attacks several years after they took place. But unlike David, my frustration in not being able to get friends, family, and huckleberries to so much as look at the evidence did not lead to creation of a deeply personal movie as a way around these obstacles. The same may be said for the soon-to-be millions of 9/11 truth activists (and Gandhian Satyagraha activists)[1] around the world. Despite mountains of evidence and persistent strong reasoning from objective reality, our collective batting average in convincing others to look at the evidence has been approximately 0.015… and that’s counting walks as singles.:) Continue reading

Brian’s Column: 1. “Heal Yourself, Heal the World”

From the book Leaving the Sandbox:
To be of any political use to others, we must strive for our own ‘deeper-qualities’ fulfillment; being the best you can be brings out the best in others.

The title of this section I lifted from a DVD about the naturopathic Gerson Treatment for cancer and chronic illnesses. It expresses the same fundamental thought: by living clean and right, tapping into our own spiritual and material power source(s), and being all we can be as individuals… we best help others. Continue reading