Guest Column: “The Conversation”

The Newsroom Conversation That Will Change America
…once it can be made to take place.
by Pete Hendrickson [Original complete source here.]

Note: I have inserted my own CtC fact graphics in the text. The collection of these graphics for your own posts on Facebook or Tweets on Twitter is located here: — brw

Note: Please read this column I have posted, American Heroine, and donate via the gofundme I have set up here at or directly to the Hendricksons as shown in the column.

THE ENERGETIC, AMBITIOUS YOUNG JOURNALIST hurries through the National News Desk Editor’s office door, and without even waiting to be recognized, blurts out his news:

“Chief, I’ve come across the story of a lifetime! There’s this guy in Michigan who does what might be called forensic legal research– historical background, fine-print parsing, untangling “legalese”, that sort of thing.”

The excited reporter plants his hands on the editor’s desk and leans in, eyes wide.

“The guy decided to focus on the income tax back around ’01, ’02. He ended up uncovering mind-bog-gling stuff, Chief!

“Ever since the guy published his findings in 2003, tens of thousands of people have been routinely paying ZERO in federal and state income tax, Social security tax, and Medicare tax every year. ZERO!! Instead, these people get complete refunds of everything they had paid in or had withheld from them!!”

The young man now looks as though he’s barely restraining himself from grabbing the editor’s lapels and pulling him in to continue nose-to-nose… Continue reading

Guest Column: Liberation 101

What Life Is Like When The Truth Revealed In CtC Is Widely Understood
By Peter Hendrickson [Full original at this location.]

Your great-grandparents would remember this with aching fondness; you will be delighted and astonished.

IN HIS 1776 MASTERPIECE ‘An Inquiry into the Nature and Causes of the Wealth of Nations’, (and other of his writings, as well) Adam Smith explains the concept of the “invisible hand” by which each individual looking out solely for his or her own self-interest nonetheless organically supports and improves the well-being and prosperity of the whole community. America’s founders and the framers of the United States Constitution, who were close students of Smith’s work and wisdom, employed the same principle in their establishment of the federal tax structure.

That structure is designed to ensure that federal revenue reliance would necessarily be upon excises, imposts and duties, the incidences of which are entirely within the control of each individual citizen. Because each citizen naturally attends to his or her own financial well being by limiting such incidences, the Founders’ structure, like a mighty invisible hand energized by hundreds of millions of individual self-interests, relentlessly keeps the state lean and on the leash– when that structure is functioning as intended and is not nobbled by ignorance and Leviathan-serving mythology and disinformation. Continue reading

Brian’s Column: American Heroine

Note posted from the latest Doreen Hendrickson crowdfunding page
by Brian R. Wright

“A free people claim their rights as derived from the laws of nature, and not as the gift of their chief magistrate” — Thomas Jefferson

Collage by Doreen while caged earlier =>

Folks, it looks like Doreen is going back in to finish her ‘term.’ Surrender date is January 29, 2018. Please find two excellent explanatory, inspiring posts by loving husband Peter here:


As you all know, Doreen’s story warrants a Pulitzer Prize winner to be writing it and spreading the truth about her unlawful and unconstitutional pro/persecution… and exposing the lies of the Ignorance Tax scheme… a scheme that is crumbling before our eyes. [Ref. Pete’s outstanding column, item 2) above.] All funds raised go straight to Pete and Doreen.

My understanding is she will be having the same address and you can contribute to her supplies fund, when the time comes. I’ll post another update with that information at that point. The Doreen Relief fundraiser is here:

I don’t have to tell you that nothing changes out here on the CtC warrior front lines, most of us wouldn’t know how to go back to filing Ignorant, even if we wanted to. Continue reading