Brian’s Column: Liberty Dollar Original

Federales fear Honest Money
First Published December 01, 2006

Liberty_dollarLive free and flourish!

Part of the noble equation of liberty is honest money.  Fortunately the National Organization to Repeal the Federal Reserve Act (NORFED) has given us the Liberty Dollar system to help us achieve just that.

Created by former Hawaiian Mintmaster Bernard von NotHaus, the Liberty Dollar is one ounce of silver embodied in one of the most beautiful pieces you’ll ever see.  It has a face value of $20, with other denominations available—i.e. you also have pieces and scrip of $10 and $5, which are 1/2 oz and 1/4 oz respectively. Continue reading

Book Review: End the Fed (2009)

End the Fedby Ron Paul
No mo’ money outa ‘thick’ air
Reviewed by Brian Wright

Stand back! We don’t know how big this thing is gonna get! — Adam

Today, I review The Book of the New Century… which, of course, needs to be qualified with innumerable adjectives. Such as political, economic, financially liberating, revolutionary, and “ding-dong da witch be goin’ down, baby!” The witch being: Continue reading