Brian’s Column: Whither ‘Zombie Nation’

What good is freedom if mainstream-minions fear their shadows and stay home?
By Brian R. Wright

[“By the way, consider this a phase III in my musings: I’ll keep them shorter and, I hope, less, well, the word “vituperative” comes to mind—I prefer “passion-ately immature.” Today I cringe at some of the verbal excess of earlier writings, way too far in my head and way weakminded for that. Hey, it was what it was. I can only do what I come to be aware of… to continue.”]

This thought came to me early in the week, after a Father’s Day with a new golf entourage Sunday Skins group. Then later in the previous week when my live fantasy football league and, then, members of a golf outing I’m organizing seemed to curb their enthusiasms for taking part. I’ve decided to do an actual dine-in with my favorite local independent business, Moe’s, who’s been hit hard by the ‘covid’ op:

Mrs. Moe (Debbie) had mentioned that six restaurants were closing their doors in Novi-Farmington on account of the CovOp. “Yup, last week we were allowed to open for dine in, and we went from 10% of our former business to 15%, that’s all.” Today we chat a bit longer, seems like a decent number of tables, maybe four or five, filled. Debbie says she and Moe agree with me 1000%, but it’s the public image they need to adopt.

Suddenly it hits me. Hand slaps forehead. Knowing what I know of the mainstream lies regarding ‘covid’ and ‘GFloyd’ and the rest, and traveling in the fact-based alternative circles I do, it’s simply not occurred to me that LARGE NUMBERS OF THE PEOPLE ACTUALLY BELIEVE THE COMPLETE, UNMITIGATED BULLSHIT PUT OUT BY GOVERNMENT AND ITS MAINSTREAM MEDIA… Even after months of officially obvious ‘covid’ whoppers to the casual observer. This goes for probably half… of Moe’s customer base, my fantasy football colleagues, and golf-outing gatherers, too. Continue reading