Brian’s Column: Whither ‘Zombie Nation’

What good is freedom if mainstream-minions fear their shadows and stay home?
By Brian R. Wright

[“By the way, consider this a phase III in my musings: I’ll keep them shorter and, I hope, less, well, the word “vituperative” comes to mind—I prefer “passion-ately immature.” Today I cringe at some of the verbal excess of earlier writings, way too far in my head and way weakminded for that. Hey, it was what it was. I can only do what I come to be aware of… to continue.”]

This thought came to me early in the week, after a Father’s Day with a new golf entourage Sunday Skins group. Then later in the previous week when my live fantasy football league and, then, members of a golf outing I’m organizing seemed to curb their enthusiasms for taking part. I’ve decided to do an actual dine-in with my favorite local independent business, Moe’s, who’s been hit hard by the ‘covid’ op:

Mrs. Moe (Debbie) had mentioned that six restaurants were closing their doors in Novi-Farmington on account of the CovOp. “Yup, last week we were allowed to open for dine in, and we went from 10% of our former business to 15%, that’s all.” Today we chat a bit longer, seems like a decent number of tables, maybe four or five, filled. Debbie says she and Moe agree with me 1000%, but it’s the public image they need to adopt.

Suddenly it hits me. Hand slaps forehead. Knowing what I know of the mainstream lies regarding ‘covid’ and ‘GFloyd’ and the rest, and traveling in the fact-based alternative circles I do, it’s simply not occurred to me that LARGE NUMBERS OF THE PEOPLE ACTUALLY BELIEVE THE COMPLETE, UNMITIGATED BULLSHIT PUT OUT BY GOVERNMENT AND ITS MAINSTREAM MEDIA… Even after months of officially obvious ‘covid’ whoppers to the casual observer. This goes for probably half… of Moe’s customer base, my fantasy football colleagues, and golf-outing gatherers, too. Continue reading

Book Review: Conspiracy Theory in America (2013)

The Conspiracy Theory [and Proof] of 20th-21st Century ‘Conspiracy Theory’
by Lance deHaven-Smith (University of Texas Press)

conspiracy_theoryThis marvelous book is a deep, practical scholarly dissection of the origin and application of the term ‘conspiracy theory,’ particularly in America in the late 20th century. DeHaven-Smith is Professor in the Reubin O’D. Askew School of Public Administration and Policy at Florida State University and former president of the Florida Political Science Association; he’s written several books and appeared on numerous national mainstream-media news and talk shows, as well as Alex Jones’ Infowars and other alternative outlets.

This investigation goes straight to the heart of the problem of the coercive state and its sycophants in mainstream academia and media (academedia) who dismiss causal ex- planations of political events with the simple utterance, “Well, that’s only a conspiracy theory.” From the book description on Amazon:

From the book description on Amazon: Ever since the Warren Commission concluded that a lone gunman assassinated President John F. Kennedy, people who doubt that finding have been widely dismissed as conspiracy theorists, despite credible evidence that right-wing elements in the CIA, FBI, and Secret Service—and possibly even senior government officials, and/or the Israeli state—were also involved. Why has suspicion of criminal wrongdoing at the highest levels of government been rejected out-of-hand as paranoid thinking akin to superstition?

Conspiracy Theory in America investigates how the Founders’ hard-nosed realism about the likelihood of elite political misconduct—articulated in the Declaration of Independence—has been replaced by today’s blanket condemnation of conspiracy beliefs as ludicrous by definition. Lance deHaven-Smith reveals that the term “conspiracy theory” entered the American lexicon of political speech to deflect criticism of the Warren Commission and traces it back to a CIA propaganda campaign to discredit doubters of the commission’s report.

He asks tough questions and connects the dots among five decades’ worth of suspicious events, including the assassinations of John and Robert Kennedy, the attempted assassinations of George Wallace and Ronald Reagan, the crimes of Watergate, the Iran-Contra arms-for-hostages deal, the disputed presidential elections of 2000 and 2004, the major defense failure of 9/11, and the subsequent anthrax letter attacks. Continue reading

Movie Review: The Truman Show (1998)

Precursor to modern reality shows, mainly speaks to Bigger Picture idea

TrumanAs I was putting together plans for a novel having a ‘Truman Show‘ type of controlled reality and mind control, I realized I had not seen the actual movie for several years. It’s a good one. IMDb gives it an incredibly high 8.1, which truly baffles me… because I don’t sense that that many people see the depth of the philosophical-political issues the movie conveys. No, I’m not saying people are shallow, but I guess I am saying that today the vast majority of people—The Truman Show’s rating is from more that 500,000 viewers—don’t get the essence of the New World Order (NWO). Because if they did they would be doing a lot more to put the kabosh on that jessie.

Sadly, it appears that the high rating of this movie stems from it serving voyeuristic proclivities, not social-commentary ones. Sigh. But times change… and Truman Burbank (Jim Carrey) may come to represent a heroic figure and inspiration for humanity as it breaks free of the NWO. What can be more apt? Ordinary fellow comes to realize that he’s in a giant fish bowl, and being manipulated by actors playing his friends, family, business associates, and so on. Continue reading

Brian’s Column: Check One’s Premises…

…as Ayn Rand used to advise, and she didn’t mean policing a campground

Let me begin this column by citing an email-conversation I had with a dear well-educated and highly intelligent friend regarding the recent brouhaha that was begun by the 11/24 Washington Post column purportedly written by a Craig Timberg that claimed—based on reports from undisclosed CIA authorities—that Russian Intelligence was behind many of the ‘fake’ [meaning alternative or non-government] Web and other media sources who exposed Hillary Clinton’s corruption and crimes, thus leading to the wholly unexpected win of Donald Trump as president.

My reaction to hearing of the story second hand—I no longer read or attend to any mainstream media [aka Government Propaganda Network (GPN)] ‘news’—was Wow, how pathetic. These CIA-run purveyors of All Fake News All the Time have a lot of nerve to call the real news fake… of all things. It’s like the Titanic: the ship of state has hit the iceberg and management blames it on those who saw it coming and tried to give warning.

What astounds me is how the REAL FAKE news outlets like the Post and the New York Times and CNN and their right-wing counterparts get away with heaping such pure BS on Americans every day. And why educated, intelligent people like my friend believe the BS… when a moment’s fact checking or asking of simple questions would unravel the lies like a cheap piñata. That’s a rhetorical question. I know the answer. But soon it will not matter. Because this ‘The Russians Are Coming’ story is the coup de grace, the dagger thru the heart, the nail in the coffin of the GPN mainstream media for all time. Continue reading

Guest Column: George Zimmerman Trial

Life and death in the American psyop
by Jon Rappoport

Zimmerman_RappoportThere were at least six extraordinary moves before the suspect, George Zimmerman, was brought up on charges.

An out-of-date photo, showing Trayvon Martin as a young innocent boy, flashed across television screens all over the world.

News stories asserted that a white man named Zimmerman killed a black child. Continue reading

Book Review: The Truth Torpedo (2012)

Blowing off the Barrier Cloud
by Brian Wright
Reviewed by the author

The Truth TorpedoThis ‘modest expansion’ of my column of the same name ( actually provides several enhancements to the main message, which is:

The PTB[1] have deceived the people for purposes of expropriation and war. Here are seven of the current higher-priority ‘Naked Emperor’ truths to counter the deceptions. When these obvious truths are grasped and asserted en masse the final obstacle—what I call the ‘Barrier Cloud’—to a free, enlightened, benevolent, and abundant society falls. Continue reading