… then all the rest committing crimes and precrimes against the Constitution
The time is now and the task is straightforward. We the people must take charge and rid ourselves of the current administration in its entirety—then set up a special independent people’s grand jury or people’s Truth and Reconciliation Commission to indict and put away all federal officials who have violated their oaths of office thru treason to the Constitution and our First Principles, conveyed in the Declaration of Inde- pendence. The emblem on the right expresses the deep popular need for us to end the Imperial Death Star, today having the form of a Zionist-(faux)-Christian-totalitarian alliance—and seeking WWIII qua Armageddon that will usher in the Rapture and the ‘Golden Age’.
Note the twin cross, which hails from the disturbingly prophetic movie V for Vendetta. Then think of Adam Sutler, the self-appointed Chancellor in that story who postures as a moral ‘Faith’ leader… run by financial powers behind the throne who dominate thru mind control, false-flag terror, and a vicious secret police network.
The Donald, DJT (Dumbass Jackboot Turdblossom), is the quintessence of the Adam Sutlers (make that Idi Amins) of the world—a cunning whim-worship- ping narcissist ‘Mob Boss’ of astonishing vulgarity, misanthropy, and unfathomable ignorance. Continue reading