Stonebeam 26: Open Letter #2 to Former Classmates at SMW

Story Shot 26, by Brian R. Wright  PDF Version, 24 March 2021

The first open letter I penned (Stonebeam 18) was more indirect with allusions to Invasion of the Body Snatchers, and so on, and I buried it on the Facebook Group[1] page in a reply to someone else’s rah rah posts. This one arises from a recent post in proud announcement of taking taken her ‘covid’ shots.


Actually, I’m sorry to hear of your decision, Jo Anne et al. And I hate to be the stubborn iconoclast throwing a wet blanket on what resembles a celebration for a friend who has just won the lottery:

This—these ‘vaccines’—is an FDA-unapproved emergency genetic modification experiment and everyone who takes it is literally a test subject. The long term effects of these injections have not been determined. Previous coronavirus vaccine testing has been halted for safety reasons—the test animals virtually all died, particularly from what is known as ADE, antibody-dependent enhancement… where the immune system goes apeshit upon subsequent exposure to the virus or its analogs.

The CDC’s VAERS reports a percentage of deaths 90 times greater for the ‘covid’ mRNA ‘vaccines’ than for the flu vaccine in 2019! And at roughly only 3.5 months we are not yet into the long-term effects. Dr. Mercola’s fact-checked column gives a great deal of crucial data and matter for deep concern… at the following page:

A world-leading provax Bill Gates-funded insider, Dr. Geert Vanden Bossche, has issued a warning to his colleagues of a major species’ catastrophe event to recipients’ immune systems if these mRNA injections are not stopped. [I was chastised by Group members for bringing it up, so took down the link, but the deactivated link is here:] Other experts have disagreed w/ Dr. Geert’s analysis, but WE AT LEAST MUST HAVE THE DISCUSSION!

Other key facts:

  • Your chances of full recovery from ‘covid’ are in aggregate ~99.76%.
  • Vaccine makers do not claim the injections will stop ‘covid.’
  • There is no undo switch, no treatment for serious injury to you.
  • You cannot sue the shot maker for damages.
  • Other proven remedies exist for ‘covid.’

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Shawnee Mission, Hail to Thee

10: Visit to the ol’ hometown for my high school grad class 50-year reunion
By Brian R. Wright

[Link to Episode 9]

Note: These columns are a series I am making into a volume of my memoirs, working title: Volume 1: Overland Park Ways. You may follow the links at top and bottom of page to go to preceding or succeeding episodes. The series starts here. {If the [Link to Episode <next>] at the  bottom of the column does not show an active hyperlink, then the <next> column has yet to be written.}

Hometown: Overland Park, Kansas
High School: Shawnee Mission West… Vikings
Event: Cocktails w/serious hors d’oeuvres
Location: Mission Hills Country Club, Mission, KS
Date and Time: Friday, October 13, 2017, 5-9+

Followed by a Saturday the 14th tour of the school—Hi, Eric with the brass, um, horns!—, brunch at a nearby sports bistro (Maloney’s), and, for a handful of the historically motivated, a reunion coda at the Johnson County Historical Museum. So that about wraps it up. I decided that the 50th reunion weekend belongs in the memoirs as a flash forward, since so much of what transpired was of high reminiscence value. In the form of a travelog…

[It occurs to me herein I’m mixing past and present tenses indiscriminately. Sorry for that.]

Remote Contact

Throughout the summer I had thought, hey, this is a big year, my 50th anniversary of crossing that all-American threshold of receiving a high school diploma. I felt it would be nice to make the effort this time—perhaps the realistic last best chance to dip into the teenage nostalgia pool without being laughed at as a beyond-the-pale geezer. It was getting to be late July and I thought by this late date, any reunions would have surely been imminent or behind me.  Continue reading