Brian’s Column: Whither the Libertarian Party/LPM?

Some thoughts from The Truman Prophecy

vulturePerformance-driving enthusiast, automotive engineer, and 30-something go-getter Ypsi Sam, a few years ago when he lived in Flint, had spent an unconscionable amount of time (and several hundred dollars of his own money) trying to bring some semblance of, well, normal middle-class, dual-gender, all-age, outreach-oriented appeal to the Genesee County LP affiliate. Only to be met with harsh rejection by the forces of what seemed a bizarre sect of Goth-Voluntaryist-Anarchist-Nihilist national boys’ clubs.

The Genesee Boys’ Club, despite its members’ eternal harangues for Purity of Anarchist Essence—no compromise with any institution or instrument of ‘Existing Coercive Government’ at any level or for any reason—sought to take over the state LP, which of course is a political party whose objective is to run candidates for office in ‘Existing Coercive Government.’ And none of these boy wonders saw the contradiction. Continue reading

Brian’s Column: Rethinking Libertarian Party Strategy:1

… in an Era of Federal Government Torture, War Crimes, and Gross Treason

MrSmithJust watched the Frank Capra classic 1939 movie, Mr. Smith Goes to Washington—nominated for 12 Oscars, starring Jimmy Stewart and Jean Arthur—and I’m thinking, “Boy, the writers sure nailed this baby, nothing’s changed in 75 years but the hair styles!” The movie depicts a boys’ organization leader (Stewart) who by fluke is selected by a governor to fill the vacancy in the US Senate due to the death of the elected senator. The whole state, including the governor, the other senator, and all major businesses and news outlets are run by a Mafia-like political boss ‘Taylor’ played by Edward Arnold. Continue reading