Book Review: Charlie Brumfield: King of Racquetball 2013

Best-of-breed chronicle of the ‘People’s Champion’
and the electrifying sport he dominated
by Steve bo Keeley
Reviewed by Brian Wright

BrumfieldWhen I was a boy I read sports’ biographies incessantly, predominantly about idols of mine in baseball… because that is the game I dreamt of one day of playing as an adult and becoming famous for. It was a totally positive approach, wanting to take part in the ecstasy of simply ‘being there’ in a big league world… I can still remember the glorious smells and feels of baseball, in which I did manage to get a letter in high school. It was a conscious decision, roughly at the age of 16, not to pursue the baseball dream… instead to participate in and lead ’causes;’ quite possibly even likely I didn’t possess the natural ability to make it to the show anyway. My point is the motivation was all positive: I looked at the goal as an ideal, a way of life to embrace as who I wanted to be, fully accepting of the good and the bad, the ups and the downs. A life worth aspiring to, win or lose. — bw Continue reading

Movie Review: The White Ribbon (2009)

Brilliant authentic historic setting w/puzzle _ 8/10

The White RibbonA word about my rating system for movies:

The scale is 1-10 and the rating is a measure of both my own enjoyment and my appreciation from an artistic perspective. In this case, my artistic appreciation exceeds my enjoyment, yet I have a fondness (enjoyment) for the film because of elements of the appreciation. For example, artistically, especially photographically and emotionally, I regard The White Ribbon as a 10. From a plot perspective, I find the movie conventionally exasperating and irresolute… but I’ve come to be more open minded about these story preferences of mine, which have come from a young prime-time arrogance and mental compulsion. The 8 ranking, thus, should be taken as an extremely high regard… reasons to follow. Continue reading

Guest Column: Big Oil’s Big Lies on Alternative Energy

Doubling down on carbon-effluent technology
by Antonia Juhasz

Big Oil vs. AlternativesIt’s unfashionable in my neck of the ideological woods to consider profuse carbon-generating energy technology as anything but benign… and those who worry about the increasing atmospheric concentrations of our favorite respiration waste product are often accused of being tools of the Global Warming Conspiracy. (A conspiracy I agree is operative by the way.) Nonetheless, I cleave to the Little Boy Truth #3 articulated in my book the Truth Torpedo, which holds that ‘humans are fouling their nest with fossil fuels.’ Which I hold can be alleviated by removing restrictions on alternatives and state privileges for oil companies… not to mention ending the corporate state’s long suppression of energy alternatives. Anyway, Antonia has Big Oil’s number as few journalists ever have. — bw Continue reading

Movie Review: Imitation of Life (1934)

First version outshines 1959 by a bit __ 8.5/10

Imitation of Life 1934

Delilah Johnson: What’s my baby want?
Peola Johnson: I want to be white, like I look.
Delilah Johnson: Peola!
Peola Johnson: [gesturing to mirror] Look at me. Am I not white? Isn’t that a white girl?

Could not resist following up from the review of the 1959 melodrama of the same name last week. The late 50s version is probably better known and is definitely the more melodramatic of the two movies. Why? Continue reading

Guest Column: Stop the Trans-Pacific Partnership

The Trans-Pacific Partnership, forged in secrecy by globalist-corporate insiders, must be stopped, By Green Shadow Cabinet, June 17, 2013

Nix TPPNote: I’m featuring this commentary by the Green Party ‘Shadow Cabinet’ on the so-called Trans-Pacific Partnership ‘Agreement’—which I had actually never even heard about— for a couple of reasons: 1) with one or two exceptions, the Green positions on TPP are identical with any libertarian or small-government capitalist argument, and 2) I wanted to show to my Libertarian Party contingent the opportunities afforded to us by forming a ‘shadow’ or alternative government… to show the world how we would do things much better. Continue reading

Guest Column: Attempt to Destroy the Individual

History of the Collective vendetta vs. the self
by Jon Rappoport (from

Escape Matrix“What is finished is the idea that this great country is dedicated to the freedom and flourishing of every individual in it. It’s the individual that’s finished. It’s the single, solitary human being that’s finished. It’s every single one of you out there that’s finished. Because this is no longer a nation of independent individuals. It’s a nation of some two hundred odd million transistorized, deodorized, whiter-than-white, steel-belted bodies, totally unnecessary as human beings and as replaceable as piston rods.” — Howard Beale, in Paddy Chayefsky’s 1976 film, Network Continue reading

Book Review: Gravity Golf (1994)

The evolution and revolution of golf instruction
by David Lee (reviewed by Brian Wright)

Gravity GolfMy golf experience is amateur and began relatively late in life, at the age of 44 in 1993. I’ve been a fairly decent athlete, lettering in baseball in high school as a pitcher. Both my parents have good hand-eye coordination, my dad was a pilot in WW2 and had exceptional psychomotor skills. When I was a kid, he played golf occasionally—and coached my little league baseball teams—and the one saying he repeated to me incessantly was, “More technique than muscle, son… never force things.” Continue reading