Book Review: Charlie Brumfield: King of Racquetball 2013

Best-of-breed chronicle of the ‘People’s Champion’
and the electrifying sport he dominated
by Steve bo Keeley
Reviewed by Brian Wright

BrumfieldWhen I was a boy I read sports’ biographies incessantly, predominantly about idols of mine in baseball… because that is the game I dreamt of one day of playing as an adult and becoming famous for. It was a totally positive approach, wanting to take part in the ecstasy of simply ‘being there’ in a big league world… I can still remember the glorious smells and feels of baseball, in which I did manage to get a letter in high school. It was a conscious decision, roughly at the age of 16, not to pursue the baseball dream… instead to participate in and lead ’causes;’ quite possibly even likely I didn’t possess the natural ability to make it to the show anyway. My point is the motivation was all positive: I looked at the goal as an ideal, a way of life to embrace as who I wanted to be, fully accepting of the good and the bad, the ups and the downs. A life worth aspiring to, win or lose. — bw Continue reading

Guest Column: Grandpa: “Why I Carry a Gun”

Bottom-line reasons for a free people to be armed…

Liberty_LawSent along from an anonymous source by world adventurer and quintessential independent spirit, Bo Keeley, author of Keeley’s Kures and Executive Hobo. Bo’s comments upon referral:

An insight into the USA majority, they prefer a father figure, Uncle Sam, to control their lives. They don’t want to take charge. They don’t want liberty. And they don’t understand the forces that dwell beyond the frontier… otherwise they would keep their powder dry. 

Note: Normally, on Wednesdays, the Coffee Coaster features a movie review. But the forces trying to take away our human right of self-defense are in high gear after Sandy Hook, and must be dealt with immediately, en masse. I also want to credit this column to Mr. Ron Burcham, from whom I’ve learned a lot about guns and gun rights—a true patriot in every sense of the word. Continue reading

Movie Review: Emperor of the North (1973)

Ultimate no-baloney-stuff hobo movie _ 9/10
Reviewed by Brian Wright

Emperor of the NorthA no. 1: You ain’t stopping at this hotel, kid. My hotel! The stars at night, I put ’em there. And I know the presidents, all of them. And I go where I damn well please. Even the chairman of the New York Central can’t do it better. My road, kid, and I don’t give lessons and I don’t take partners. Your ass don’t ride this train!

A no. 1: [At the end of the movie, A No. 1 throws Cigaret off of the train, into a pond, and shouts to him from the train] Hey kid you got no class. Hit the bums, kid. Run like the devil. Get a tin can and take up mooching. Knock on back doors for a nickel. Continue reading

Book Review: Keeley’s Kures (2011)

Everyman manual for simple health fixes
by Bo Keeley

Keeley's KuresThe actual subtitle is “alternative healings from the trails and trials of a world-champion hobo-adventurer.” Which fairly describes both the content and the author. [Note: This reviewer actually edited and prepared Keeley’s Kures for publication via the Createspace in-house, print-on-demand publishing firm, a subsidiary of]

As a “wholistic libertarian” Web columnist and book and movie reviewer, I’m always on the lookout for creative spirits and intellects. Bo is off the charts in both of these categories—most of Continue reading

Book Review: Executive Hobo (2011)

Riding the American Dream
by Bo Keeley
Review by Brian Wright

Executive HoboAs the editor and publisher for Executive Hobo, I’m in an ideal place to comment on one of the more unique books of our time. Similarly, its author is one of the more unique individuals of our time (from his Wikipedia entry you can see him as a colorful combination of Jack London and Jack Kerouac). Continue reading

Guest Column: Prison Tourism

Peru puts new wrinkle on Incarceration Planet
by Bo Keeley

Prison TourismTake a virtual tour of the infamous Lurigancho Lima prison before visiting Peru as a tourist. Watch 50,000 cans of beer tumble off a truck into the prison yard courtesy of the warden who takes a 25-cent commission, try your luck at the casinos, dance shirtless in the disco, pretty girls, drugs, attend church, get a haircut, 12 restaurants run by inmates, a multiple-language library, private rooms and condos, and each of the 300 foreign inmates has a laptop WiFi to run world drug operations on Skype or, as my friend Hank avows, to stay in touch back home. Continue reading