Book Review: Libertarian Lessons of South Park (2013)

Analysis of libertarianism of South Park
by Brandon Simpson (reviewed by Brian Wright)

South ParkThis little book is a charmer, full of stories from South Park accompanied by simple analyses that point out the libertarian world view and principles that apply without any muss or fuss. For someone like myself, who has only seen a few complete episodes of South Park, the recounting of these representative stories is a complete joy. For example, take the episode entitled “Douche and Turd” where a school mascot has died. Kyle wants everyone to write in Giant Douche, while Cartman wants the write-in candidate to be Turd Sandwich. Giant Douche and Turd Sandwich proceed to debate each other in a presidential style debate format, each telling the audience why he stinks far less than the other. Continue reading

Movie Review: The Girl from Petrovka (1974)

Early Goldie magic, 2d time’s the charm __ 7/10

The Girl from Petrovka

Minister: What’s the transition phase between communism and socialism?
Joe: You tell me.
Minister: Alcoholism.

Tag line: A Russian girl, an American reporter, the love they shared …and the country that made it impossible. Pretty good line, but as I say in the subtitle, The Girl from Petrovka is one for viewing a second time. After reading the Goldie autobiography, I made a special effort to acquire this VHS tape, which is rather rare but still inexpensive. Continue reading

Guest Column: Imminent Revolution in Consciousness

Why the real revolution is being achieved with consciousness, not bombs
by Mike Adams

ConsciousnessI don’t know if you can see it yet, but you are living through the unfolding of the most profound revolution in human history. This is a revolution of raising consciousness, advancing real science, holding corporations accountable and empowering individuals. Sites like Natural News are hubs of this revolution, but the real power comes from readers, bloggers, customers and activists like you.

What kind of revolution is underway, exactly? Well, there are several of them happening all at the same time, and all of them are bloodless: Continue reading

Brian’s Column: Fantasy Football Nation

Fantasy Football NationWe’ll have fun, fun, fun ’til mama takes the TV away

Originally posted September 2007. This is the time of year boys from teen age to middle age huddle around dining room tables drafting mythical football teams consisting of the best players in the National Football League (NFL).  It’s become big business, or rather big unbusiness: a 2006 report claims as many as 40 million men—it’s mainly a guy thing—spend as much as 10 hours per week grooming and prepping their fantasy football league (FFL) teams.

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Book Review: The Patriot’s Toolbox (2010)

Eighty principles for restoring liberty and prosperity
by The Heartland Institute
Reviewed by Brian Wright

The Patriot's ToolboxBack in the late 1970s the so-called Craniacs— Libertarian Party (LP activists, led by Ed Crane, rooted to funding by Kansas oil billionaire Charles Koch—were on the march (to influence party policy on a broad range of issues). I recall, then, one young political journalist in the Crane/Koch camp writing for the magazine, Libertarian Review, a column something like, “Garbage Can Libertarianism.” Of course this phrase was pejorative and targeted at the sorts of libertarians who identified with more down-to-earth economic policies—such as privatization of city services (such as garbage collection)—advocated by the Reason Foundation and Reason magazine. Continue reading

Movie Review: Inside Job (2010)

Inside JobStarkly entertaining indictment of the PTB __ 9/10
Review by Brian Wright

George Soros: Chuck Prince of Citibank famously said: ‘That we have to dance until the music stops.’ Actually, the music had stopped already when he said that.

Frank Partnoy: You’re gonna make an extra $2 million a year, or $10 million a year for putting your financial institution at risk. Someone else pays the bill, you don’t. Would you make that bet? Most people on Wall Street said, ‘Sure, I’d make that bet.’ Continue reading

Guest Column: “I Withdraw Allegiance from da Feds”

New era of citizen involvement: letting go
by Jim Babka and Perry Willis, Consent Chronicles

Yesterday we shared evidence that NSA spying really is being used for domestic purposes. We asked you to contemplate whether the time had come to declare the federal “government” a criminal entity and to withdraw allegiance from it. We asked you to consider discussing this question with your friends.

We told you we would launch a new campaign about this today. ( We just wrote Congress using this new campaign. The hardwired message for this campaign reads: Continue reading