Brian’s Column: Libertarian Macho Flash, The Next Generation

Angry ‘idealism’ can still ‘mess up a free lunch’
by Brian Wright

FlashYears ago, when I was young and invincible, also omniscient and omnipotent—and exceptionally good looking—I was so convinced of the ideas of liberty promulgated from leading lights—in the heroic individualist camp of Ayn Rand as well as the pudgy affable creative intellectual camp of Murray Rothbard—that my egoic mind seized on a number of their aphorisms as axioms that only morons and moral defectives could fail to understand. My attitude—often stoked by alcohol (for which I had an unusual tolerance and affinity)—was angry and self-righteous: if all these subhumans don’t get it, then f*** ’em. I’m busy and important; they don’t matter. Continue reading

Book Review: Hannah’s Revenge (2010)

The true story of the nightmarish
journey Hannah's Revengeof Hannah Dustin
by Juanita Carey
Review by Brian Wright

“The year was 1697. The war, now referred to as the French and Indian War[1], had been grinding on for many years. Both sides were weary but stubborn. The Indians’ tactics of surprise raids and kidnappings had become so successful that every white family in New England had learned to live in dread of them. Survivors, who had been ransomed by their families and returned home, had written about the horrible brutality of the raids and the miseries of the journey north, a forced march of weeks in all kinds of weather with little food or shelter… “
— page 1 Continue reading

Guest Column: Who’s the Mideast Monster(s)

War v. Syria would be Evil Empire final chapter
by Mark Farris

Mark FarrisHere is my latest letter to the editor printed in the Monroe Evening News Thursday Sept. 12th. I attended the 9/11 Advancing the Truth conference in D.C the 14&15th and loved it. I bought 100 copies of A&E Experts Speak Out DVD for $200 and am distributing them free.

Brian, below is the original I sent in as an op-ed and the paper refused it but accepted the downsized version as a letter to the editor. I think the original was 960 words and the downsized letter is 400.  I dropped the two underlined lines in the one I sent you earlier and added the bold line to make the 400 word maximum. I don’t complain too much when the paper won’t let me have my way because I know they take a lot of heat for printing my letters. I appreciate them allowing me to have a say, some papers only allow about a hundred-word letters. I’ve probably had a hundred or so letters and a few op-eds printed in the Monroe News over 30 yrs. Most of them against the grain. Continue reading

Brian’s Column: New Paradigm Rising…

… as a Phoenix over the 900# gorilla
by Brian Wright

ChakraFrom Robingale Masters,
Intentional Journey:
Empowered Worldview:
I envision a newfound reality
based in love and abundance.
Over and over I see the wisdom
of a love-fueled New Paradigm
way of living and viewing the world.

… but first we have to solve some fundamental problems. 🙂 — ed. Continue reading

Book Review: Jackie and Bobby (2009)

Bobby and JackieA love story
by C. David Heymann

Okay, I confess, lots of times when I’m in the supermarket, and in the checkout line, I’ll read the gossip and celebrity tabloids. It’s like once in a while taking a bite out of a jelly donut, it tastes good, and with just a morsel you don’t suffer any ill effects.

Books like Bobby and Jackie, though, while they deal with celebrities and famous ones, provide more than the titillation of living vicariously in the moment. Plus, they’re books. So the process of taking in the message of the author is a longer and more deliberate task, requiring an active intellectual approach to get the most appreciation. Bobby and Jackie falls in the category of pleasure reading, for most of us: no particularly heavy concepts, nothing new ideologically, like bedtime stories for children or trying on a comfortable old pair of shoes. Continue reading

Movie Review: Colossus, The Forbin Project (1970)

Old version of how ‘they’ might take over _ 8/10

Colossus: The Forbin ProjectColossus: We can coexist, but only on my terms. You will say you lose your freedom, freedom is an illusion. All you lose is the emotion of pride. To be dominated by me is not as bad for human pride as to be dominated by others of your species.

Colossus: This is the voice of world control. I bring you peace. It may be the peace of plenty and content or the peace of unburied death. The choice is yours: Obey me and live, or disobey and die. The object in constructing me was to prevent war. This object is attained. I will not permit war. It is wasteful and pointless. An invariable rule of humanity is that man is his own worst enemy. Under me, this rule will change, for I will restrain man.

Colossus: In time you will come to regard me not only with respect and awe, but with love.
Dr. Forbin: NEVER![1] Continue reading

Guest Column: Constitution Day

Celebrate by enforcing via Nullification
by Michael Boldin

Constitution DayWhen I think of a “Constitution Day” speech, three things pop into my head.

First, I expect to hear a speech about the greatness of the Constitution and the wisdom of the Founding Fathers.

Second, that speech will likely cover the many ways that today’s Federal government is nothing close to the Founders’ constitutional vision.  I’d hear about some of the ways the supreme court has flipped the constitution on its head, and how politicians from both major political parties only care about the constitution when it fits their political goals.  They ignore or violate it with impunity when it doesn’t. Continue reading