Brian’s Column: The Jesus Catharsis, Part 1

Life, death, and love among the gentiles*
by Brian Wright

FLOWNever in my life have I felt the alignment of celestial forces as I do today. The proximate causes are “my twins'” viscerally negative reaction to Mother’s Stone and the ceremony celebrating the passage of a good friend of mine back into the realm of the Great Spirit. The combination of insights of these two watershed events, along with my persistence in wanting to identify the spiritual solution that will free humankind—not to mention yours truly—from the unfriendly intentions of the Cabal, moves me along to a release or catharsis that can help virtually everyone.[1] Continue reading

Book Review: Nonaggression Faith: SNaP Module #7

Turning the SNaP into a winning spiritual practice
by Brian Wright

Nonaggression FaithThis review represents the final module in my so-called Liberation Technology User’s Guide series (of seven): Nonaggression Faith. In this short book I lay down the foundations in creed, doctrine, and general requirements for a ‘religion’ and ‘church.’ Note the quotation marks around the two terms, necessitated by so many negative reactions to the unbracketed words. By religion I mean:

… an integrated system of belief in, reverence for, and practice of a supreme universal principle or idea, intended to bring spiritual fulfillment. Continue reading