Brian’s Column: Reality?

Power of NowOne of life’s many mysteries
is why libertarians who say
don’t trust the government on anything,
from jobs to school performance to how to pay for roads,
believe any government official story
when it comes to military or foreign policy,
from WMDs in Iraq to ISIS rebels’ funding
to nuke threat of Iran… to the attacks of 9/11.
Also, anyone who actually tries
to watch modern mainstream network news
takes part in the same mystery
of why to believe what’s induced via that deep trance. Continue reading

Book Review: 4 Against the Wall (2005)

Poems by Zachary Chartkoff, Sam Mills, Robert Rentschler, Ruelaine Stokes

WallNot so much a review as a conveyance for your consideration. I know Mr. Mills, and have published or reposted one of his earlier free verses here in the form of a guest special interest writing, aka Donut Hole: The Editorial Department. Sam and I worked in the same editing and writing group for the company once known as Electronic Data Systems—then after the General Motors severance, simply EDS—owned and run by the self-styled brilliant entrepreneur and captain of industry, Ross Perot. This was, for me, in the late 1980s. Sam predated me a couple of years at the corporate communications beach head.

And I’m a huge fan of both Sam the Man and Sam the Poet. He writes as I like to imagine the world, deftly and with a eye sensitive to the living-breathing, common part of us all. After we left EDS, we kept in touch, I dropping in, from time to time, to a convenient establishment on his end of town serving adult beverages. In fact, I believe he made available this booklet to me for a reduced price or in return for buying him a drink. These were the days before the convenience and print-on-demand of Createspace came to independent publishing… and I recall how our barmaid, who had become a good friend of Sam’s through several sessions of good-natured banter, oohed and ahhed when he bestowed a copy on her. Continue reading

Movie Review: Orange County (2002)

Literary and musical satire, roflmao, will stand the test of time (8/10)
Directed by Jake Kasdan

OrangeWhat an amazingly entertaining movie… with almost exactly the right amount of serious inspiration. One of Colin Hanks’ (son of actor Tom Hanks and Samantha Lewes) first efforts, and it’s a doozy for him; he’s in practically every scene. He plays a California high school surfer dude, Shaun Brumder, who after discovering a book on the beach in his senior year decides he wants to be a writer. The movie also features the daughter of Sissy Spacek, Schuyler Fisk, as his girlfriend Ashley… and is an early directorial effort of Jake Kasdan, son of well-known director Lawrence Kasdan. Whoever did the casting for Orange County should have gotten an Academy Award… assuming they give Oscars for casting.

Here’s a list of the better knowns: Continue reading