Articles: Hillary as a Killer Deep State ‘Op’

From an email recently sent to my email bcc distribution lists

hillary_warmongerTurning it into an open letter for posting on the Web thru my Coffee Coaster auspices…

Dear Friend,

Coming much too Fast and Furious for a deliberately paced Web columnist such as myself to keep on top of. And it only just occurred to me a few days ago to think of HRC’s rise and anointing as a plan of the Deep State. I assembled two special ‘cryouts’ this week on extremely urgent news for all citizens of the world.

  • Julian Assange [Wikileaks founder, who has been reporting indictable criminal behavior re: Hillary Clinton and her  ‘Western Cabal’ associates] has been missing since his  Internet cutoff on Friday (10/21/16). An official statement Sunday by WikiLeaks concerning his safety has only raised fears he has been captured or killed. Courtesy:

What’s staggering to me, and I think to any conscientious, caring American, is that absolutely no mainstream media news agencies are covering either of the above stories—stories that portend a) the end of all your freedoms all the time and b) the end of humanity (except for those who have prepped with fallout shelters and the elites who have been set up with underground ‘Strangelove’ havens). [Still, a single new Russian super-heavy nuclear RS-28 Sarmat (aka Satan II) missile, expected to be operational in 2016, can wipe out an area the size of Texas or France. My guess is Doomsday 2016 makes the surface of the earth uninhabitable for thousands of years. Nobody is going to want to live underground forever, even with endless jumbo-screen, multimedia reruns of Downton Abbey and House of Cards.] Continue reading