Brian’s Column: With Hillary Inciting WWIII, Gotta Go Trump

It’s not just the Wikileaks that disqualify Hitlery, it’s imminent nuclear annihilation

hillary_warmongerSummarizing from my latest Facebook post: “With Trump we liberty people have real issues—for one thing he has said he wouldn’t mind seeing Snowden executed extrajudicially PLUS he certainly hasn’t expressed any appreciation of Julian Assange’s Wikileaks that are burying the Clinton crime family—but FOR SURE with her we’ll get tyranny and death. Trump has laid down the gauntlet vs. the so-called ‘globalists.’ Johnson and Weld, if they win in a fluke, will fold like an accordion to the globalist Death Star.”

Yes, this is a reversal of my most recent stand for the Johnson- Weld ticket, but so much water has gone under the bridge in the previous week. For one thing the Wikileaks keep on a comin’. Trump has to realize  that he is being helped enormously by Julian Assange—Hitlery wonders why hasn’t the Wikileaks founder/leader been ‘droned’—so a rational thing for Trump to do is to claim he will:

  • pardon Ed Snowden
  • pardon Julian Assange
  • pardon Chelsea Manning
  • etc., etc., release and reward all the whistleblowers and political prisoners

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