Brian’s Column: Letting Go of ‘The Noise,’ Part 1

“Don’t Worry, Be Happy” in a world often seeming Hellbound in a handbasket

Part 1 of 2

No, this isn’t a Norman Vincent Peale rave about the power of positive thinking… or extolling the so-called Secret where wishing makes it so (or at least much more likely). Rather an attempt at some constructive cognition on how we as psych-ologically independent individuals can put our minds to rest, and thereby, in the long run, bring a semblance of sanity to the social environment that has become so overwhelming.

I’m addressing the column to Americans, mainly. ‘We the people’ still have a window of time available—a few months, a year, not much more than that—to put our own Humpty Dumpty back together… before the newly imposed US king and king’s men visit our homeboy “USA! USA! USA!” masses with the same acts of kindness bestowed upon Libya, Syria, Yemen, Ukraine, Iraq, Afghanistan, Iran, and all the other ungrateful countries of the world during the former emperor’s eight-year term… and the elite redneck dictator’s regime before that… and the slick pedophile’s one before that… and…. We need to act fast, though.

I’ll get to the direct political cures in Part 2 of this post. They’re simple, yet require modest courage… on a wide scale. Many hands make light work. Continue reading