Brian’s Column: Letting Go of ‘the Noise,’ Part 2

Making the right choices regarding Humpty Dumpty and the king’s men and horses

From Part 1 of this column, I stated:

“I’m addressing the column to Americans, mainly. ‘We the people’ still have a window of time available—a few months, a year, not much more than that—to put our own Humpty Dumpty back together… before the newly imposed US king and king’s men visit our homeboy “USA! USA! USA!” masses with the same acts of kindness bestowed upon Libya, Syria, Yemen, Ukraine, Iraq, Afghanistan, Iran, and all the other ungrateful countries of the world during the former emperor’s eight-year term… and the elite redneck dictator’s regime before that… and the slick pedophile’s one before that… and…. We need to act fast, though.”

The Political Solutions

Then, I said I’d get back to the political solutions after discussing the only spiritual found- ation that renders these solutions possible, even straightforward. Once people discard the noise in their heads, they’ll know enough to eliminate the sources of this noise in the political environment: chiefly deception suborning aggression. By? Well, by our old friends the Men of the Power Sickness. The quick and easy way to eliminate the political noise sources is threefold (per the Trumanist Philosophy), using the following steps and metaphors:

  1. Wake: Expose official lies leading to  ‘high-crime’ assaults on the people
  2. Stand: Bring justice via people’s grand juries against such lie-crimes
  3. Walk: (Each) declare our Independent Being psychologically and politically

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