Guest Column: Enemy of the Year?

Why Russia?
by Justin Raimondo, via Ron Paul Liberty Report

I once had an online conversation with a journalist whose name you would instantly recognize that started with a question for me: “Why Russia?” Why, this person wanted to know, are we witnessing a hate campaign aimed at Moscow, decades after the implosion of international communism and the breakup of the USSR?

I tried to give him a coherent and comprehensive answer, but Twitter is not conducive to in-depth discussions of that sort, and so I filed it away as a question to be answered at a later date. And certainly now is the time to answer it: the Democratic party and its media minions are demanding an “investigation” (i.e. a fishing expedition) into the burning question of whether the President of the United States is the Manchurian Candidate: “Putin’s puppet,” as Hillary Clinton infamously averred. Our out-of-control intelligence agencies are furiously pushing the same line.

This echo of the 2016 presidential campaign is surely one major reason why the anti-Russsian hysteria has reached such a fever pitch. As Glenn Greenwald writes in a recent piece in The Intercept:

“[I]t’s used to avoid confronting the fact that Trump is a by-product of the extraordinary and systemic failure of the Democratic Party. As long as the Russia story enables pervasive avoidance of self-critique – one of the things humans least like to do – it will continue to resonate no matter its actual substance and value.” Continue reading

Brian’s Column: Twittering for the Cause-Oriented

Irony of a small-quick message vehicle delivering lifegiving deep-slow ‘messages’

Yes, at the common perceptual level, Twitter is a stimulus-response machine equipped for ‘he-said, she-said’ and Prominent-One notes to adoring faithful [for example, Justin Timberlake has more than 58 million followers… not that he shouldn’t] rather than promulgating salutary ideas that can move the species forward toward full independent consciousness in benevolent, voluntary community. By the way, for reference, here’s a screenprint of my own Twitter home page today, February 28, 2017:

Most of my readers are into causes, as am I. Especially grassroots causes that will distribute liberty and prosperity to real individual, peaceful human beings worldwide. But because of what call the Barrier Cloud, my cause-oriented fellows have been largely thwarted by the powers that be. By that I mean we normal, decent human beings around the world who have no interest whatsoever in harming one another—only in living in peace according to the nonaggression principle—have been systematically deceived and forced into wars and slavery by the Men of the Power Sickness. This condition is about to end.

Using Twitter to Break Through the Barrier Cloud

In this column I’m going to lay out the basics as I understand them, and simply amend my post as my understanding continues to improve. First, while Twitter is good for keeping in touch socially, it may prove IDEAL for promoting well thought-out, passionate, restorative causes. Here’s how: Continue reading

Book Review: Zen Driving (1988)

Be a Buddha behind the wheel of your automobile
by K.T. Burger

ZenDrivingFor many of us in America, sadly so I must admit, the act of driving a motor vehicle occupies our time almost as thoroughly as breathing. Eckhart Tolle, in his book The Power of Now, speaks of being content standing in line by becoming attuned to our inner bodies, to simply ‘Be’ in time without any other need. Tolle advocates to look at normal frustrations of being held up from immediate, reactive ‘goals’ as opportunities for spiritual connection. Perhaps in a subsequent edition Tolle will offer a similar cultivation practice for being held up in traffic.

Interestingly, I have taken a part time job as a medical technician driver for a firm doing XRay swallow tests for patients at rehab centers. We drive all over the bottom half of the lower peninsula of Michigan with a Ford 350 van, with which I am still unfamiliar. Thus it’s timely that I have once again picked up Mr. Burger’s[1] book for a third read, now. (The first was in the mid 1990s, then again maybe three or four years ago.) In addition to the act of driving, my new coach job carries an MD and a speech pathologist as passengers. Becoming ‘Zen’ (at one in  pure awareness) with it amounts to a new level of accomplishment for what K and T refer to as experiencing the natural self. Continue reading

Movie Review: The Truman Show (1998)

Precursor to modern reality shows, mainly speaks to Bigger Picture idea

TrumanAs I was putting together plans for a novel having a ‘Truman Show‘ type of controlled reality and mind control, I realized I had not seen the actual movie for several years. It’s a good one. IMDb gives it an incredibly high 8.1, which truly baffles me… because I don’t sense that that many people see the depth of the philosophical-political issues the movie conveys. No, I’m not saying people are shallow, but I guess I am saying that today the vast majority of people—The Truman Show’s rating is from more that 500,000 viewers—don’t get the essence of the New World Order (NWO). Because if they did they would be doing a lot more to put the kabosh on that jessie.

Sadly, it appears that the high rating of this movie stems from it serving voyeuristic proclivities, not social-commentary ones. Sigh. But times change… and Truman Burbank (Jim Carrey) may come to represent a heroic figure and inspiration for humanity as it breaks free of the NWO. What can be more apt? Ordinary fellow comes to realize that he’s in a giant fish bowl, and being manipulated by actors playing his friends, family, business associates, and so on. Continue reading

Guest Column: How to Rejoice at Tax Season

Join the multitudes[1] recovering their property due to the Hendrickson Discovery
… and share it forward, esp. to key libertarian and alt-media op leaders
Source material: Pete Hendrickson []

Editor’s note: The following guest column is a composite of three columns by Mr. Hendrickson on his site, which I cannot give you an unambiguous forever page reference to—but these columns are currently occupying the front page of the newsletter on the losthorizons home page. In any case, this is VERY IMPORTANT INFOR-MATION he’s conveying, and everyone in the CtC Patriot community must[2] spread the word. [Emphasis on Tweeting and/or emailing to the list of ‘key libertarian and alt-media’ journalists that Pete provides at the bottom.]


The U.S. Income Tax: An Excise On The Profitable Exploitation Of Federal Privilege
The U.S. Ignorance Tax: The Profitable Exploitation of Confusion About The Income Tax

So, The First 2016 Victories Are In!

AS IN EACH of the last 13 years at around this time, I’m very pleased to post the first of the new year’s government admissions of the correctness of CtC. On each of these occasions I recall with ever-greater amusement the smug expressions of skeptics over the years to the effect that, “These ‘victories’ you tout are just mistakes that slipped through the cracks. This won’t go on long…”


I trust I don’t need to comment at any length on how continued denial– or even just distancing oneself from the truth– is a shameful intellectual dishonesty. Perhaps I DO need to observe one point on this subject though: It is only the “alt-media’s” intellectually-dishonest refusal to acknowledge and help spread the liberating truth about the tax uniquely revealed in CtC that has kept that truth from sweeping across America. Continue reading

Brian’s Column: Allah, Truth Meet ‘n’ Greet in Detroit

Yer intrepid reporter visits Nation of Islam, 9/11 Forum, Saviours’ Day 2017
By Brian R. Wright

As Rudy Dent, 9/11 truth-hero FDNY firefighter ⇒, who was present at the gathering, said to me, “This very well may be a pivotal point in world history.”  And yours truly, being the perennial optimist—despite being toppled more times than roly-poly toy—agreed. It makes me think of the proverb my dad would tirelessly cite:

One man with courage makes a majority.
— Charles Lindbergh

With another line I’m adding to befit the occasion:

Two men with courage mean imminent victory.  

Yes sir, I noticed the phenomenon first when taking political science classes at my alma mater, Wayne State University— just up the road a few miles from Cobo Center and Joe Louis Arena where I am this weekend. In those days at Wayne, forty years ago now, I had recently become familiar with the heroic individualist (and libertarian) works of Ayn Rand… et al. We were early adopters of man against the state collective. Consequently, vastly outnumbered in poli sci or any other liberal arts classroom.

I did the best I could, occasionally raising my hand to challenge the worst strains of socialism and communism. But it was hopeless; teacher would reply snidely and his classbots would hoot and holler me down en masse; the silent majority didn’t care. That is, until one day a Randian friend with a scholarly bent joined me in audit mode: A couple of well-placed inquiries had the instructor stammering and left his puppy dog cheerleaders with no bone to chew on. I’ll never forget the lesson. When you work as a team, even so small as a couple of persons, bullies run away from you like the plague.

This is a good message to receive from the new symbiotic relationship between Nation of Islam (Nation) and the 9/11 Truth movement. Apparently, Nation leader Minister Louis Farrakhan has long felt the federal government to be lying about who conceived, orchestrated, and executed the attacks of 9/11… which justified vilifying Muslims and invading Arab Muslim countries around the world. It was he who directed his event planners to invite the best of the best leaders in the 9/11 Truth movement to Detroit to speak, all expenses paid.

The perfect image for Nation and 9/11 Truth is the great prize fighter, Joe Louis, shown on the right. We are embattled, but as ‘Two Men’ with courage, victory is imminent. The (corrected, updated) video of the presentations, which went out livestream worldwide to millions, is located here. It was spectacular, undeniable, and, I suspect, the best overall argument for proceeding to 9/11 justice we shall ever see. Also click on The Joe figure; it will knock your socks off! Continue reading

Book Review: Other Losses (1991)

The shocking truth behind the mass deaths of disarmed German soldiers and civilians under General Eisenhower’s command
By James Bacque
Reviewed by Brian R. Wright

Reviewer’s note: I first became interested in this subject by some revisionist history in connection with WW2 where one of the respondents pointed to a column in [“Eisenhower’s Holocaust – His Slaughter of 1.7 Million Germans” (6-22-2008)] describing the systematic murdering by policy, —though conducted at the instigation of United States General Dwight David Eisenhower, head of SHAEF,[1]—of disarmed German soldiers, not to mention civilians… that persisted months after the end of the war.

“…it is hard to escape the conclusion that Dwight Eisenhower was a war criminal of epic proportions. His (DEF) policy killed more Germans in peace than were killed in the European Theater.”

“For years we have blamed the 1.7 million missing German POW’s on the Russians. Until now, no one dug too deeply … Witnesses and survivors have been interviewed by the author; one Allied officer compared the American camps to Buchenwald.”
— Canadian news reporter, Peter Worthington, of the
Ottawa Sun, from his column on September 12,1989. [Worthington had read the Canadian release of Other Losses, 1989.]

Yes, as disturbing as the BIG facts are, they’re undeniable. Mr. Bacque’s book is a thoroughgoing account of Eisenhower’s holocaust[2], which documents his directive of ‘confinement, torture, and death by bureaucracy’ of hundreds of thousands—the author’s own numbers are: at least 900,000 documented, with very likely a million more murdered in the camps, uncounted—helpless individuals, authorized by a sadistic hater of all things German. It’s an account of life’s necessities deliberately not supplied—thru contrived bungling, devious wording of policy, and pathetic acquiescence of subordinates—over a period of months from spring 1945 into winter 1946. Continue reading