Guest Column: Stand Up for Doreen, Big Time!

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Threatened with Jail for Refusing to Lie!
Court Watchers Unite

CtCDoreen Hendrickson,
wife of Pete Hendrickson, author of
Cracking the Code:
The Fascinating Truth About Taxation in America,
has a court hearing set for:

Thursday, April 9, 2015, 12 Noon
231 W. Lafayette, Detroit, 2nd floor
Victoria Roberts courtroom
… for sentencing on a contempt of court charge

This is a case of retaliation against Doreen’s husband for his book, which clearly defines the difference between taxable income and earnings that are not taxable under the IRS Code. Though numerous attempts have been made to discredit and suppress the book, especially through deliberate misrepresentation of its contents by government officials, nothing actually revealed in the book has ever been disputed.

Doreen_1This is Not a Tax Case

Doreen was not convicted of falsifying a tax return, tax evasion or even willful failure to file. Doreen was convicted because she refused to declare that she believes certain of her earnings are of the taxable variety! A judge ordered her to declare a belief that those earnings are taxable, and Doreen, who believes otherwise and had said so under oath, rightfully refused. She was then charged with contempt of court for disobeying a judge’s orders, which is the charge upon which she was convicted.


We are going to pack the courtroom and spill out to the streets!
Freedom and Justice Demand Active Participation!

Join the Facebook Event Here

Watch the video     Sign the Petition

Published in the Oakland Press, Sunday April 5, 2015

This post has been read 1941 times!

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