Michigan Nazis deprive elderly and infirm of electric power for disobeying orders
In the same month a 92-year-old disabled and blind Lincoln Park woman, Ms. Olga Puste, had her power shut off by DTE for refusing to allow a harmful-radiation-emitting surveillance electric meter to be installed on her home—feeble corporate apologetic from WXYZ-TV on 9/19/15 still conveys the atrocity committed on this poor woman by DTE—several Michigan citizens have been assaulted for the same reason.
This is a letter sent by David and Glenna Lonier (shown below right) of Auburn Hills to WXYZ-TV informing the station that they, too, have had their power stolen by DTE gangsta scum—accompanied by two local police officers also behaving like gangsters, violating their oaths of office to protect the life, liberty, and property of residents—under pretense of law… for the same reason as Ms. Puste.
Thank you for doing the story on a 92 year old disabled blind woman having her electric power shut off for not allowing DTE Energy to install an unsafe radio frequency surveillance device on her home.
We are also victims of DTE’s draconian extortion racket. We had our power cut on September 9th for not allowing DTE to do the same to us. We had a perfectly good power-measuring analog meter that DTE told us needed replacing with their AMI smart meter for reasons of health and safety. We said NO WAY and they cut our power.
My wife Glenna (at right) is 85 and I’m 76. We have lived in the same house for 27 years and always paid our electric bills on time. We’re both retired and living on social security. We understand there are at least a dozen people in DTE’s territory who have had their power cut for refusing to allow a smart meter to be installed on their home.
See the attachment [1] for our story.
Also attached [2] [3] are reasons no one should allow these meters on their homes. Two fires in DTE’s territory that are known to have started with Smart Meters and a DTE internal document admits the meters will blow up from a power surge. Insurance companies are beginning to increase premiums on homes with them on because of their known fire risk. At least one insurance company will not insure buildings with a smart meter because U/L cannot certify them as safe, and yet DTE is forcing them on us or cutting off our power!
Thank you again for helping to inform the public of this terrifying situation.
David Lonier and Glenna Long
1842 Commonwealth
Auburn Hills, Michigan 48326
Afterword by the editor:
Here are David’s legislative districts and his legislators:
Michigan House District 29, Tim Greimel, (D) House Minority Speaker
Michigan Senate District 12, Jim Marleau, (R)
Oakland County Commission District 1: Beth Nuccio
Congressional District 11, Dave Trott (R)
David contacted Tim Greimel and this is what David reported to me via email:
“Tim’s aid contacted me and said she would make some calls and try to have our power back on by last weekend …didn’t happen of course. Our elected reps are subservient to the monopoly corporations, not those of us who foolishly put them in office.”
Let’s each of us call David and Glenna’s reps and refer them to this column via email.
Then CALL our own representatives, following up with an email referencing this column if you want, and tell them that something must be done now to rein in the lawless utility company, DTE. There is no lawful statute compelling use by Michigan customers of so-called ‘smart’ meters; quite the contrary, the law states quite clearly that installation of such meters without the consent of the property owner is a violation of fundamental rights to life, liberty, and property. Here are the applicable laws, not to mention the Constitution and First Principles of the Declaration of Independence.
Remember people in office respond to Pressure, not to Logic, Reason, and Compassion. With very few exceptions. And the exceptions, like Tom McMillin, are steadily being weeded out by the establishment. Media is the same way. They’re 95%-99% bought by the Power. They don’t care to listen to you and they don’t have to, because they have the power—law and information. With the actual power shutoffs, the Power is proceeding as if nobody will make a fuss. And fundamentally nobody is making a fuss. The Power has dumbed down and distracted the general population for decades such that now there are but a handful of us willing to stand and fight for our rights.
But stand and fight we shall. If we the people cannot generate a passion for change, to end the state’s sadistic, inhumane treatment of a blind and disabled 92-year-old woman—and an elderly activist couple—, then it’s pretty much curtains for the species. At the same time, we who lead the activism must continue to think of best strategies, recognizing the realities we face. These best strategies must come to the fore quickly, to balance out the utter dominance of our enemies in conventional political reality. [For one thing, everyone MUST watch and integrate their activity with the Thrive Movement. Take the high moral ground all the time and don’t let go. My book is coming and is in the Thrive vein. Keep thinking. Flash Mob grand juries, mass constructive boycott… other concepts. More later.]
But do contact your conventional useless pols and media persons. These days I would stop with overpoliteness. Be civil, but tell them that their days are numbered and their role in ongoing crimes and coverups will be investigated and indicted by a grand jury(s)… maybe not today, but soon. They have the choice to do the right thing, obey First Principles and stand for them. Or be politically destroyed. It’s a zero-sum contest: freedom means death to the state and to their lives as a consequence of it.
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