Brian’s Column: Shakabuku Choo Choo

The Launch

GandhiYes, this is going to look a bit like last week’s column, Shakabuku 9-1-1. But I’ve done some more development and set up a formal launch site to move forward as a key salient of what Gandhi referred to as Satyagraha (universal truth force). You know what Satyagraha did… it sent the British Empire packing—at least in that former colonial corner of the globe. I have created a Website here for the Shakabuku ‘system,’ which I aim to be a simple grassroots exercise—mainly through personal email communication and iteration of the Shakabuku-Satyagraha message: “Be all you can be by breaking free from the Old Paradigm as individuals, en masse, to the New Paradigm of a Society without Coercion.”    Continue reading