Movie Review: Vice (2018)

Well-done multimedia distractoid from what’s daily eating out our substance
By Brian R. Wright

A number of deep ironies this afternoon on the penultimate day of 2018. For one thing, the person inviting me to join him and his son at the Waterford MJR Metroplex is none other than  Peter Eric Hendrickson, author of Cracking the Code, THE people’s liberator from misunderstanding and mispayment of the federal income tax—so long as we have the individual courage to stand up for the knowledge.

It’s probably been five years since I’ve taken in an actual film at a modern public cinema. The previous time was still LOUD. Today they’ve toned it down some, and added the plush, wide-butt recliner seats with at least a meter of aisle space at your feet for others to pass in front of you. These gentle envelopes remind me of the do-everything-for-you hover chairs for the uselessly fat passengers on the giant space-escape-cruiser in the movie WALL-E. [Escaping from the waste-world Earth in its death throes that the single, stranded WALL-E (Waste Allocation Lift Loader—Earth Class) robot still tried to clean up.]

Load up on the excitotoxin-dripping snacks and beverages—my small popcorn and carbonated beverage a steal at $8.25—then head back to your cocoon, fix your eyes and ears on the big screen, and assume the receive-program position. Despite its slyly powerful political content Vice is still a modern American movie—disconnect your critical faculties to absorb the full perceptual-emotional impact of the audio-visuals laden with unquestioned premises brushed in with the subtlety of a Mack Truck.

El Supremo False Premise: The Official Story of 9/11[1]

When Pete offered to meet me there with tickets, I gathered from cursory reviews that the Vice of Vice referred to none other than VP Dick Cheney during the Dubya years… and, silly me, I actually expected that Hollywood would be spilling some of the major beans behind Cheney’s planning and operational role in the Crime of the Century and the multitrillion-dollar, multimillion-killing-spree War of (Western Cabal) Terror that it launched.

NOT. I’m 69 years old, how could I have been so naïve? Continue reading

Movie Review: W. (2008)

Accurate, devastating portrayal of Bush and the main Neocon players
in the late criminal enterprise (7/10)


George Herbert Walker Bush: You didn’t exactly finish up with flying colours in the Air National Guard, junior.

George Herbert Walker Bush: If I remember correctly, you didn’t like the sporting good store. Working for the investment firm wasn’t for you either, or the oil rig job.

: Mr. President, what place will you have in history?
George W. Bush: History? In history we’ll all be dead!

There’s so much more to this movie than Josh Brolin’s dead ringer simulation of the biggest, baddest wannabe of all time known as George W. Bush, but that’s a good place to start: I’m amazed that Brolin didn’t grab an Academy Award nomination—he did manage to pick up a couple of nominations from other critics’ associations.  As a character study, there is none higher.  Stanley Weiser’s story obviously comes from meticulous research, but you get the impression the writer practically grew up in the Bush household. Continue reading

Book Review: Another Nineteen (2013)

Investigating Legitimate 9/11 Suspects
by Kevin Robert Ryan

Another_19Simply the exactly right book for the exactly right time, Kevin Ryan’s Another 19 takes the 9/11 Truth movement to the next level… that is, to the 9/11 Justice movement. He does so by identifying—in addition to masterschemers Dick Cheney and Donald Rumsfeld (the real ‘Osama bin Laden’ and ‘Khalid Sheikh Mohammed’ of the plot)—19 individuals whose motives, means, opportunities, and actual behavior show high probability they were complicit and/or culpable in the 9/11/2001 crimes of state. Regardless of one’s position regarding the official story, no reasonable person can deny that sufficient evidence now exists to empanel a special federal (or state) grand jury to investigate these individuals (among others) and bring indictments based on demonstrable real connections and causation to the attacks. Continue reading