Brian’s Column: The Vaccine ‘Holocaust’ and Grand Juries

Recent excesses in government criminality cry out for all-American justice

Red-Blood-CellsThe main news comes from the Vaccine Culture War front, courtesy Mike Adams of Natural News and Jon Rappoport of Representative Bill Posey of Florida, on July 29, 2015, entered a statement into the Congressional Record regarding Center for Disease Control (CDC) scientific fraud—the Congressman appeals to his colleagues to launch a full Congressional investigation. Whistleblower Willliam Thompson, senior research scientist at the CDC, went public approximately a year ago that he and others helped destroy test data and other evidence showing that the measles-mumps-rubella (MMR) vaccine from Merck substantially increases risk of autism, especially in black baby boys.

“…the [CDC] co-authors scheduled a meeting to destroy documents related to the [MMR vaccine] study. The remaining four co-authors all met and brought a big garbage can into the meeting room and reviewed and went through all the hard copy documents that we had thought we should discard and put them in a huge garbage can.” (William Thompson, CDC researcher) Continue reading

Brian’s Column: The First Principles’ Grand Jury …

… and General Remediation Program for America of 2015

HIddenAs we come to the need to properly investigate and indict persons in the US establishment and its global gangster cohorts for the 9/11 high-crime in particular and for all the major high-crime assaults on our lives and liberties in general, we’d better get it right. Which means a proper grand jury of our peers with full authority over other officers of the court to help it do the job.

Note: The 2003 Cato Institute column, “A Grand Façade: How the Grand Jury Was Captured by Government,” paints a scary picture of how—contrary to being a force for freedom and means for mitigating bad government—the modern grand jury, with government prosecutors taking it over entirely, becomes a dangerous threat to liberty… because it is not subject to offering constitutional protections that apply to criminal defendants in petit jury trials. Thus the grand jury is being used as a sword against the people and a shield for the government. Exactly backasswards.

We have to turn the grand jury by taking it out of the hands of government prosecutors. This is interesting history here from Wiki: Continue reading

Guest Column: Why the State Suppresses Jury Nullification

Jury Nullification and Why Ross Ulbricht’s Prosecutors Are Trying to Evade It

Jury Nullification and Why Ross Ulbricht’s Prosecutors Are Trying to Evade ItEditor’s Note: A microcosm of everything scary and wrong about the out of control criminal injustice system, but soon to be rectified by the people as they reassert their grand jury authority for indictment (presentment) against government and government-associated criminals–telling all the officers of the court what to do (instead of the other way around)–and, in this case, they fully empower themselves by understanding their inalienable rights to decide facts and law in any criminal prosecution. [Though they almost always have good reason, they can let a man go free for whatever reason they wish… because the prosecutor is inflicting them with bad breath. The people have the power, they’ve been fooled into thinking they do not.] — bw

Excerpted. Full column here. Check out information re Ross Ulbricht and the case here.

There is a basic principle that underlies any honest attempt at good governance: Continue reading

Brian’s Column: Ch 6: We the Jury!


(From the title of Mickey Spillane’s classic I, the Jury.) The grand jury and trial jury are powerful tools to arrest runaway US fascism. Jury power is people power.

[From Leaving the Sandbox.] Speaking about ‘the Law’…4thBranch

Let’s see, roughly a year ago, as our LP of Michigan state convention was approaching, an author of a book was making the rounds of LP sites—I’ve been Webmaster of the LPM since November 2009—and he sent me a note about his book about grand juries, The Hidden 4th Branch: A corrupt government’s worst nightmare. He asked for the LPM to pass a simple resolution to support grand juries investigating and indicting corrupt government behavior.

Which I was glad to do. Continue reading