Brian’s Column: 10 Easy Pieces times 7

The Toto (Truth) Phase of the Truman Prophecy, Listing of the 10 Easy Pieces

Breaking_Free_w_911These are 10 questions applying to each of seven high-priority ‘High-Crime Assaults’ (ref. the Threat Matrix) that I have posed in the Toto stage of The Truman  Prophecy. The questions are designed such that the answer to each is undisputed to both sides of the H-CA, whether an individual is pro or anti ‘official story.’

As identified in my Column “The Blue Pillar Syndrome, Part 2,” these truth nuggets are the first of four salients in ‘deprogramming’ our respected denying Blue Pillar peers. Use them as designed; eventually, if necessary, they’ll all be available on self-return-addressed postcards.

To each Blue Pillar I address the following comment: Please let yourself experience these sets of clear and obvious truths even though they may challenge your deepest feelings about the official story you have accepted. It’s time for you to face the facts of reality. Remember from Logic 101, that every official story—just like any scientific theory or hypothesis—is disproved by a single contradiction. Thus, in general, for any of the high-crime assaults, if any of the 10 undisputed facts is true, THEN THE OFFICIAL STORY FOR THAT HIGH-CRIME ASSAULT IS FALSE. Time to lay down your burden and break the trance your mind controllers have put you under since kindergarten.

Please don’t feel bad or guilty. Just do the right thing; feel the relief of no more lies.

Use these 10 Easy Pieces to begin thinking for yourself and transcending the perceptual-emotional mode of awareness. We Independents, i.e. self-realized beings of independent consciousness, will welcome you to our ranks with open arms. Continue reading

Guest Column: Dear Doctor…

How to avoid blame for causing autism
by Jon Rappoport (full original column here)

RappoportAs the truth about horrendous vaccine-damage to babies emerges and spreads, doctors need advice on how to avoid blame. So this article is offered as a public service to the medical profession.

Dear Doctor, your best defense is: “I’m practicing proper medicine.” Always remember that. Don’t wobble. Don’t explain. Just keep saying it. It works. After all, you have decades of propaganda behind you. Make those lies operate for you. Stand on them. It’s your best strategy. Continue reading

Guest Column: Vaccine Injury Compensation

Government’s Broken Social Contract with Parents
by Barbara Loe Fisher
National Vaccine Information Center excerpt 11/10/15

Three decades ago, Congress created a federal vaccine injury compensation program (VICP) and gave the pharmaceutical and medical trade industries a partial product liability shield under the National Childhood Vaccine Injury Act of 1986. The goal was simple: to restrict civil lawsuits against vaccine manufacturers and negligent doctors whenever government mandated vaccines injure and kill Americans. 1

In the 21st century, Congress went further and directed federal agencies to develop a public-private business partnership with the pharmaceutical industry. 2 3 Today, multi-national corporations marketing vaccines enjoy a $15 billion dollar U.S. and $30 billion dollar global vaccine market that will reach $100 billion in 10 years. 4 5 Continue reading

Brian’s Column: The Vaccine ‘Holocaust’ and Grand Juries

Recent excesses in government criminality cry out for all-American justice

Red-Blood-CellsThe main news comes from the Vaccine Culture War front, courtesy Mike Adams of Natural News and Jon Rappoport of Representative Bill Posey of Florida, on July 29, 2015, entered a statement into the Congressional Record regarding Center for Disease Control (CDC) scientific fraud—the Congressman appeals to his colleagues to launch a full Congressional investigation. Whistleblower Willliam Thompson, senior research scientist at the CDC, went public approximately a year ago that he and others helped destroy test data and other evidence showing that the measles-mumps-rubella (MMR) vaccine from Merck substantially increases risk of autism, especially in black baby boys.

“…the [CDC] co-authors scheduled a meeting to destroy documents related to the [MMR vaccine] study. The remaining four co-authors all met and brought a big garbage can into the meeting room and reviewed and went through all the hard copy documents that we had thought we should discard and put them in a huge garbage can.” (William Thompson, CDC researcher) Continue reading