Guest Column: Thoughts from Prison, Awaiting my Appeal

by Don Siegelman
c/o Friends of Don Siegelman | 1827 1st Ave North, Birmingham, AL 35203

LA-Fed-PrisonI am waiting with great anticipation for my own appeal for a new trial, but today I would like to turn my attention to the plight of my fellow inmates. To those of you who have done so much to help me, I am asking you to give a hand to these other unfairly treated prisoners.

We recently got good news! The US Sentencing Commission just voted to reduce sentences for some low level, drug offenders! This is important progress, but I would like them to go farther. Fairness dictates that they apply the reductions retroactively as well. Continue reading

Book Review: There Must Be Some Mistake (2008)

There Must Be Some MistakeJust another casual casualty of the drug war
by Brian Wright

2008, Lulu, 57 pages
Reviewed by Logan Brandt

Brian Wright’s first book, New Pilgrim Chronicles, is the story of one man’s coming to the Free State of New Hampshire to help create more liberty everywhere.  In contrast, Wright’s second political monograph recounts his experience with the “Drug Prohibition System (DPS);” it’s a true drug war story where an ordinary middle-class guy’s liberty is suspended for two grueling weeks by the harsh, senseless prosecutocratic world of prison-planet lite.  Brian decided to use this dire personal experience—considerably more benign than what the poor or minorities are typically subjected to—to speak out, for those who have no voice, against the cruel, unusual system. Continue reading

Guest Column: Merry Christmas from Don Siegelman

MerryMy Dear Friends,

This has been my third Holiday Season in federal prison. If the Creator set a purpose for everything, then I know my job:

To fight for justice! Continue reading