About Brian Wright

Hello, I'm Brian Wright, the proprietor and chief content provider to this Web opinion and review site. The Coffee Coaster (thecoffeecoaster.com) has been around since late 2006, and in early 2012 I finally decided to give the site a major makeover with this Wordpress implementation. My views are 'wholistic libertarian,' meaning focused on the spiritual--I like to use the word: essentual--evolution we will need, individually, in order to reach the New Paradigm of peace, freedom, and abundance. Let's help one another in the process.

Guest Column: Liberty Comments on Cryptocurrency

IMF reveals that cryptocurrency is the New World Order end game
By Brandon Smith [c/o Bob Livingston Letter, here]

There are two kinds of globalist schemes: First, there are the schemes they spring on the public out of nowhere haphazardly in the hopes that the speed of the event along with some shock and awe will confuse the masses and make them psychologically pliable. This strategy loses effectiveness quickly, though; the longer the plan takes to implement, the more time the people have to reconsider what is actually happening and why.

Second, there schemes they slowly implant in the collective psyche of the citizenry over many years, much like subliminal messaging or hypnosis. This strategy is designed to make the public embrace certain destructive ideologies or ideas as if these ideas were their own.

The cryptocurrency scam is of the second variety.

I have been suspicious of the cryptocurrency narrative of a “decentralized and anonymous monetary revolution” since 2009, when I was first approached by people claiming to be “representatives” of bitcoin and asked to become a promoter of the technology. After posing a few very simple questions and receiving no satisfactory answers, I declined to join the bandwagon or act as a frontman.

The “currency” was backed by nothing tangible (and no, math is not a tangible resource). Anyone could create a cryptocurrency out of thin air that had attributes identical to bitcoin, therefore there was no intrinsic value to the technology and nothing stopping the creation of thousands of similar currency systems, eventually making bitcoin worthless. The scarcity argument for crypto was fraudulent. And, in the event of a grid down or an internet lock-down scenario (as has occurred in the past in nations under crisis), crypto was useless because the blockchain ledger was no longer accessible. Continue reading

Guest Column: All-American Hero Being Destroyed by the Global Superstate

Hedges: Assange Has Done More To Expose American Crimes Than Any Other News Organization, by Tyler Durden/Christopher Hedges

Source at Zerohedge here.

Julian Assange’s sanctuary in the Ecuadorian Embassy in London has been transformed into a little shop of horrors. He has been largely cut off from communicating with the outside world for the last seven months. His Ecuadorian citizenship, granted to him as an asylum seeker, is in the process of being revoked. His health is failing. He is being denied medical care. His efforts for legal redress have been crippled by the gag rules, including Ecuadorian orders that he cannot make public his conditions inside the embassy in fighting revocation of his Ecuadorian citizenship.


Source: Mr.Fish

Australian Prime Minister Scott Morrison has refused to intercede on behalf of Assange, an Australian citizen, even though the new government in Ecuador, led by Lenín Moreno – who calls Assange an “inherited problem” and an impediment to better relations with Washington – is making the WikiLeaks founder’s life in the embassy unbearable. Almost daily, the embassy is imposing harsher conditions for Assange, including making him pay his medical bills, imposing arcane rules about how he must care for his cat and demanding that he perform a variety of demeaning housekeeping chores. Continue reading

Guest Column: Scary Election 2018

Taking the Long View; No American Need Worry if They Stand for the Law
By  Pete Hendrickson

And Happy Guy Fawkes Day!

Election Day, 2018. A Bit Scary, Right?

It’s particularly fitting this year that election day comes so soon after Halloween…

SO, ARE YOU WORRIED about the election outcome this week? You should be!

After all, the unprincipled, progressivist nut-case Democrats might regain power.

Or, the unprincipled, neo-con nutcase Republicans might retain power.

Whichever way it goes, as things stand now, you and your kids are going to be screwed.

YOU SEE, AS THINGS STAND NOW, the winners, of either party, will find themselves with far more money in the treasury than is needed for their Constitution duties. Those duties include little more than courts, actual national defense, modest Depts. of State and Treasury, a Post Office and a Patent Office, a small immigration bureaucracy and a few other offices of similarly focused function and dimimutive dimension.

There is FAR more in the US treasury than is needed for these lawful obligations of the United States. The excess will be spent (after some serious nest-feathering) on a host of things inimical to your interests.

That excess will finance an army of spies surveilling you; an army of “security thespians” impeding and dictating to you; an army of soldiers making enemies for you in other countries which are no threat to you; and swarms of petty functionaries with clipboards which endlessly harass you and eat out your substance in myriad other ways, as well. Continue reading

Brian’s Column: Letter to the House…

… of Michigan Representatives asking them to vote down 5G
by Brian R. Wright

A few months ago, two bills were quickly approved without debate in the Michigan Senate by overwhelming votes (90% of senators voting), SB 637 and SB 894. These are complementary enabling bills for 5G dense-transmitter, electromagnetic radiating (EMR), weapons-grade, millimeter-wave wireless networks in Michigan, overriding Michigan residents’  rights to be secure in their personal health, safety, and privacy.

A citizens grass roots movement is afoot in the Michigan liberty community—and nationwide/ worldwide—to arrest this blatant EMR high-crime assault on humanity and bring its perpetrators and accomplices to justice. But despite the movement and a sympathetic House Energy committee chair, the bills came through committee without change.

Now the lame duck Michigan House stands prepped to vote these unconstitutional bills into law, probably the Wednesday after the 2018 election, November 7. I was apprised of this fact by two activists, one of which had a listing of all the Michigan representatives email addresses, and I was prompted to write the following email to them:

Ladies and Gentlemen of the House (110 total):

Re: SB 637 and SB 894 Greenlighting for 5G
As the Libertarian candidate for House District 38 this year, I’ve run an modest campaign, yet forthright: Here’s my campaign brochure… also in essence my responses to the League of Women Voters questionnaire that I make a point to fill out for every occasion of candidacy. I’ve also been to Lansing several times during the term that will be concluding in a few weeks. Why? To show solidarity with my people whose lives are being destroyed by wireless tech–especially mandatory ‘smart’ meters and intended-to-be-inflicted ubiquitous 5G weapons-grade, millimeter-wave EMR.

Continue reading

Guest Column: November 3: An Historic Date in American History

Just two days short of Guy Fawkes Day (ref. V for Vendetta)
By Peter Hendrickson

Commerce Twp., Michigan: 15 years ago this 3rd of November, 2018, the very first 100% income tax refund in modern American history was issued by the United States. That $10,152.96 refund was of everything withheld during 2002 as Social security, Medicare and normal federal income taxes from the $58,965 salary of Peter E. Hendrickson.

Hendrickson’s deep research into the history of the tax, the judicial decisions concerning its nature and the fine print in tax law which is rarely seen by anyone, even IRS officials and judges, had revealed an actually quite limited scope to the tax. That research had also exposed a structural design by which people who have actually done nothing taxable are made to seem as though they had, causing the tax to be much more widely applied over the last 80 years or so than necessary or proper.

Deploying his unique knowledge, Hendrickson simply rebutted the misrepresentation of his earnings on which the IRS typically relies in determining tax liability. After what ended up being an extraordinary amount of attention to his claims by the tax agency, he received that first complete refund.

Even before that initial proof of concept, Hendrickson had published his research and findings in a 2003 book, ‘Cracking the Code- The Fascinating Truth About Taxation In America’ (ISBN 0-9743936-0-6). By the time Hendrickson’s own second complete refund issued a year later (of everything withheld from him in 2003), more and more Americans were doing the same. Continue reading

Movie Review: Out of the Past (1947)

Post war (ww2), intricately plotted film noir __ 8/10

Jeff Bailey: I sell gasoline, I make a small profit. With that I buy groceries. The grocer makes a profit. We call it earning a living. You may have heard of it somewhere.

Through the 1940s, before the Hollywood studio system folded itself into the social conformity of the 1950s, several well-written and superbly plotted stories made it to the silver screen. In the category of film noir, Out of the Past, starring Robert Mitchum—one of the more individualistic, risk-taking actors (even into the 1950s)—is one such gem.

Novel by Daniel Mainwaring
Screenplay by Daniel Mainwaring
Directed by Jacques Tourneur

Robert Mitchum … Jeff Bailey
Jane Greer … Kathie Moffat
Kirk Douglas … Whit Sterling
Rhonda Fleming … Meta Carson
Richard Webb … Jim
Steve Brodie … Jack Fisher
Virginia Huston … Ann Miller

The above statement from Jeff Bailey (Robert Mitchum) occurs early in the movie as we find him in a small California town trying to lead a normal life. We even see him out fishing (!), with his local honey Ann (Virginia Huston), and looking every bit like the guy who wants to settle down, buy a house, raise a passel of kids in the country. Not! Bailey’s contemplation of the idyllic life is interrupted when another big man—menacing, obviously from a past Bailey wants to leave that way—finds Bailey, and gives him an appointment he cannot refuse. Continue reading

Movie (Pre)Review: Anatomy of a Great Deception 2 (AGD2)…

… via AGD1 review and comments on the AGD2 Project du Century
By Brian R. Wright

First let’s go back a few years to the original movie conceived, launched, and premiered by one David Hooper, a Detroit-area entrepreneur and can-do guru extraordinaire. The first film has a high-end documentary quality and consists mainly of Mr. Hooper recounting how he came to ask questions about the Official Story of 9/11, particularly on the engineering and architectural weaknesses/contradictions of that feeble yet massive coverup. Then on what he learned  from those questions

Note: you may click on the figure and be taken to the location on Architects and Engineers for 9/11 Truth (ae911truth.org), where you can purchase the DVD. It is a beautifully rendered package. Or candidly you may view the film for free here on a preferred channel… or on any of a number of YouTube outlets, where the cumulative views have exceeded 30 million and counting.

By the way, here’s my commentary and review on the exciting opening night at the Detroit Fillmore Theater, September 5th, 2014, as well as the lovely weekend celebration at the Hoopers’ classic home on Grosse Ile.

My Review of AGD1

Top_View_Gage_InterviewLike David, I came to question the official story of the 9/11/2001 attacks several years after they took place. But unlike David, my frustration in not being able to get friends, family, and huckleberries to so much as look at the evidence did not lead to creation of a deeply personal movie as a way around these obstacles.

[Opinion polls corroborate that most people do not believe the official story of 9/11. Most of Europe thinks Americans are trapped in a 9/11 ‘Truman Show,’ they keep waiting for us to see it’s not real.] Continue reading