Movie Reviews: Remember Me (2010)

Memorable film w/budding super-star actor __ 8/10

Remember MeTyler: Gandhi said that whatever you do in life will be insignificant. But it’s very important that you do it. I tend to agree with the first part.

Aiden: I’ve had enough of this brooding introvert shit! I’m ready to set up an intervention.
Tyler: You do realize that interventions don’t normally consist of binge drinking, right? Continue reading

Guest Column: Big Apple to Poison Children at Gunpoint

vaccineNew York City to force all children
to be injected with mercury in the form of flu shots

Thursday, December 12, 2013
by Mike Adams, the Health Ranger

(NaturalNews) Of all the toxic heavy metals, mercury is the most devastating to the brain. No legitimate scientist would ever argue that mercury is safe to inject into a child at any dose, and the CDC has never established any “safe” level of mercury in human blood for the simple reason that there’s isn’t any safe level. Continue reading

Brian’s Column: Of, By, and For…

NorthvillePart 1: To Serve and Protect… whom?

“When you have one another you don’t need government.” — Russell Means

In the early days of last summer, I’m driving along minding my own business in my 1997 Mercury Villager near a little town called Northville, Michigan (about 25 miles from downtown Detroit). I’ve just finished a lazy Sunday workout at Planet Fitness, feeling fine, when I see a police sedan come up behind me flashing the red lights. My immediate thoughts are, “Geez, I wonder if they saw me dialing for Thai takeout on my cell?” Continue reading

Book Review: Liberty and Tyranny (2009)

Liberty and Tyrannyby Mark Levin
Review by Brian Wright
And I thought I knew what blasphemy was

From the Acknowledgments:

… And to my friends Rush Limbaugh, Sean Hannity, Ed Meese, and Mary Matalin for their constant inspiration and support. I also want to acknowledge the champions of liberty—the great philosophers, scholars, visionaries, and statesmen—on whose shoulders we all stand….

Wow! Lumping in Rush Limbaugh with Thomas Jefferson and Thomas Paine! Continue reading

Movie Review: Interstate 60 (2002)

Fantasy-blend morality play, political fun _ 6.5/10

Interstate 60Bob Cody: Ever hear of Frederick Turner, Mr. Oliver?
Neal Oliver: No, Sir.
Bob Cody: Well, he was an historian. About a hundred years ago he came up with a theory about the frontier. He said the frontier was a safety valve for civilization, a place for people to go to keep from goin’ mad. So, whenever there were folks who couldn’t fit in with the way things were, nuts, and malcontents, and extremists, they’d pack up and head for the frontier. That’s how America got started…
Neal Oliver: What about space? You know, the final frontier!
Bob Cody: Ah, Star Trek, that isn’t space. That’s television – fine fuckin’ frontier that is. Besides, how many folks can just pack up and go to space? Continue reading

Guest Column: After Obamacare

PhotoObamacare will fail even if it works:
No health care system is affordable
unless it’s based on nutrition and prevention
by Mike Adams

(NaturalNews column 11/20/2013) Forget the name “Obamacare” for the next few minutes. Because it doesn’t matter if you call our national health care system “BushCare” or “ReaganCare” or even “CarterCare” — it has forever been based on allowing food, beverage and pharma companies to sicken the population while invoking costly “interventionist medicine” to “manage disease” rather than preventing disease with nutrition. Continue reading