Guest Column: NSA Treason

Of Course, NSA Blanket Data Collection is Unconstitutional
by Theo Caldwell

The recent decision of Federal Judge Richard Leon, that the National Security Agency’s bulk collection of Americans’ communication records does violence to the Constitution, demonstrates a rare convergence of elite jurisprudence and common sense.

While this is by no means the last word on the matter – Judge Leon stayed his own ruling, noting that the debate will likely end up before the Supreme Court – it is encouraging to see prominent legal minds alight upon the self-evident conclusion that mass surveillance of Americans is very wrong. Continue reading

Brian’s Column: New Political Party

A realistic option for real people?


Santa Botzi Boy

My column tonight is dedicated to my Rose’s ever so unique and adorable cat, simply named Botzi, or the Botz, who at nine years young, succumbed on Christmas Eve Day to various ailments. Here he is in a healthy, happy time spreading Yuletide cheer to all the good little kits and kids. I’ll miss you, little guy. Sigh.

How is the Botz connected to the need of American humans for a common sense, non-warlord political party? The Botz, bless his little heart, suffered from nervous system disorders that grew more stressful as the years passed—internal conflict causing one part of him to be in discord with another.

I see his condition as analogous to the Democrats and the Republicans fighting each other, when they’re both symptoms of the same fatal disease of the global state. Continue reading

Book Review: Chicken Soup for the Soul, Runners

101 inspirational stories of energy, endurance, and endorphins… Ron Kaiser, et al

Chicken Soup: RunnersI’ve run short stories from Ron before, and he’s also been published before in the Chicken Soup series. The Soup book on runners I thought would be fairly prosaic, ho hum stuff. I mean, it’s just running, right? Who wants to think about all the boring minutes on the road while worrying about knee damage? What’s the inspiration? Where’s the human interest? Well, you’d be surprised. A lot of the stories are from women who have used the rigors of running to free themselves from depression or household routine or the desire to pop a Twinkie. Yet the common theme for men and women is a certain spiritual connection they find in the experience of running, in the streets or, better, through nature. — bw Continue reading

Movie Review: Julie and Julia (2009)

Enchanting parallel-universe concoction __ 10/10 Julie and Julia

Paul Child: [to Julia] You are the butter to my bread, you are the breath to my life.
[later echoed by Julie Powell to Eric Powell]

Unfortunately, the quotes section on IMDb for this movie is nowhere near adequate to some of the marvelous lines coming from nearly every actor, on nearly all the significant occasions in the lives of the principal characters. And for that, whoever is responsible for such things, the person should be unproud. In any event, what a lovely and outstanding movie, that draws you in and causes you to fall in love with not only the celebrated Ms. Child, but the “servantless American cook” Julie Powell… even their respective husbands, a friend here and there, and one or two family members. Continue reading

Guest Column: Merry Christmas from Don Siegelman

MerryMy Dear Friends,

This has been my third Holiday Season in federal prison. If the Creator set a purpose for everything, then I know my job:

To fight for justice! Continue reading

Brian’s Column: Cryonics Movement

Robert EttingerA New Spirit of Preservation
Cryonics movement, alive and well,
shifts into second gear in Clinton Township, Michigan

This is an encore column of mine from 2007, at the time when I had just renewed my suspension agreement with the Cryonics Institute. Since that time, Mr. Ettinger has deanimated, and his body is now stored in a cocoon of liquid nitrogen—along with upwards of 100 clients—at the facility in Clinton Township. I turned 64 this year, losing my dear mother in February. Twenty or thirty years ago I viewed my agreement with the Cryonics Society as insurance I would never need [because someone would  have cured aging by now]. Today, after my experience with Mom, I tend to look at cryogenic interment as a matter of efficient disposition of my body, requiring the least hassle and even a faint glimmer of hope. Continue reading

Book Review: End the Fed (2009)

End the Fedby Ron Paul
No mo’ money outa ‘thick’ air
Reviewed by Brian Wright

Stand back! We don’t know how big this thing is gonna get! — Adam

Today, I review The Book of the New Century… which, of course, needs to be qualified with innumerable adjectives. Such as political, economic, financially liberating, revolutionary, and “ding-dong da witch be goin’ down, baby!” The witch being: Continue reading