Brian’s Column: Reflections on a Noble Soul

Forrest S. Wright (1951-2007)
Seeds for new life and understanding

On May 7, 2017, it will be an unbelievable 10 years since my dear brother Forrest Steven Wright passed away at the tender age of 56. The column below was originally penned and posted shortly following his memorial service, then reposted two years after that. Since losing him then so unexpectedly, I have also had to say good bye to my mother (2/26/13) and to put my to sleep my trusty benevolent feline presence, Tabby (4/20/17). Losing Tabby reminded me, in particular, of Forrest and his Zen appreciation of all creatures great and small. I miss you, bro. Good night sweet boy.

The Original Postings

It seems like yesterday, though it’s been exactly a week since I accompanied my sister-in-law Grace and their children to the funeral home in Rochester, Michigan. Through varying waves of tears, we caringly helped one another move the process forward to yield to my brother Forrest a resting place attended by proper ceremony.

The whole affair turned out in its way as a work of art.  From visitation day, to reminiscences, to the honor-guard rifle salute—Forrest was a Vietnam vet—I can’t conceive of a better release for a finer being. So many friends and loved ones came, thank you so much. Grace, my nephews and nieces, my mother, and sister were all so wonderful.  Here are some parting words that have been put into print: Continue reading

Movie Review: Losing the Liberty (June 8, 1967)

Two films on the Israeli unprovoked, intentional attack on the USS Liberty

Loss LibertyThe 50th anniversary of the assault on the USS Liberty is coming up June 8th of this year. These two videos are important building blocks toward the understanding of what happened… and toward the steps all good Americans need to take now in defense of our own country… and its Liberty.

Thank you so much Dick Kennedy for sending me these DVDs; I’m simply overwhelmed by the treachery and savagery of high officials of both governments, Israeli and American, serving without question the imperial agenda of Zionist Israel at this most critical juncture of history. It’s stunningly clear this was a false flag attack with unmarked planes and gunboats, intended to be blamed on the Arabs, and to sink the ship and kill everyone on board so no one would be available to contest the story. Following which the US could rightly enter the conflict on the side of Israel.

The objective was also to eliminate surveillance of war crimes—the sadistic, perfunctory execution of several hundred Egyptian POWs from the Six-Day War, the invasion and conquest of the Golan Heights, and who knows what else. Israel had planned the ‘War’ years in advance, thus very likely what they were going to do with any prisoners. The standard story that Israel was facing annihilation from massing Arab forces appears to be complete BS… according to sources quoting a large number of Israelis who were in a position to know: Continue reading

Guest Column: Seeds of Our Destruction

How Information Is Controlled by Washington, Israel, and Trolls
By Paul Craig Roberts [full original column here]

Dear Readers: I very much appreciate the support you show for me in your emails. I seldom receive a rude email from you, and when I do it is usually something off subject, such as a reader angry with Israel and unloading on me with an accusation that I am a coward and a “Jew-lover” because I don’t do enough to expose the crimes of the Jews.

This accusation always amuses me as the ADL lists me as an anti-Semite because I occasionally make an entirely justified criticism of Israel’s mistreatment of Palestinians and excessive influence over US foreign policy, as have many outstanding scholars, such as John Mearsheimer and Stephen Walt, and many Jews themselves.

My friends find my designation by the ADL as an anti-Semite hilarious. The person whom I selected as my principal deputy in the US Treasury is a Jew. David Meiselman, my friend and co-author with me of an important study of the Congressional Budget Office, is a Jew (deceased). I went to Oxford for the express purpose of studying under Michael Polanyi, a Jew who had to leave his scientific post in Germany to escape the Nazis. Milton Friedman, an early supporter of the Institute for Political Economy, is a Jew (deceased). When my book (1971) on the Soviet economy was republished in 1990 without a word changed, it was a Jew who wrote the Introduction. He asked, “Why did only Roberts get it right?” Continue reading