Guest Column: Democrats’ Violent Statements Need Censure

Open letter to Head of Michian Department of State, Jake Rollow
from John Zupanc, Electrical Engineer

In balance to Rollow’s comment on Michigan GOP Chairman Ron Weiser’s purported references to top Michigan Democrat officials.

Email date March 28, 2021

Mr. Rollow:

It is awfully audacious for you to want/expect MI GOP Chair Ron Weiser to apologize for his comments. What he said is not even worth mentioning when compared to the constant diatribe coming from Democrats, including our illegitimate Vice President, Kamala Harris, who are very much higher in their ranks than is Mr. Weiser.

That diatribe consists not only of insults and demeaning and threatening comments against President Trump, his supporters, 75,000.000+ million Americans, and other Republicans, but are also threats of violence or at least condoning the violence that has resulted in billions of dollars in property damage and lost lives.

The List

Viral Video Shows Leading Democrats Promoting ‘Uprisings,’ ‘Unrest,’ Harassment

Democrats encouraging violence compilation

Democratic Senator Kamala Harris Jokes About Killing President Donald Trump

10 Times Democrats Urged Violence Against Trump And His Supporters

Here are six videos of Democrats calling for violence or physical confrontations that are still active on Twitter

List: 15 Democratic attacks, assaults, threats on Republicans

Long list of media, Democrats threaten retribution against Trump supporters, Republicans

Video shows Democratic leaders, liberal pundits cheering and condoning violence against political opponents

Democrats Tell Supporters To Punch People Then Blame Trump When Riots Start

And last, but surely not least, are the comments made by one of the three witches, Michigan’s AG, Dana Nessel. Here she very publicly and intentionally accuses all men, half of Michigan’s population of being sexual predators.

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Stonebeam 26: Open Letter #2 to Former Classmates at SMW

Story Shot 26, by Brian R. Wright  PDF Version, 24 March 2021

The first open letter I penned (Stonebeam 18) was more indirect with allusions to Invasion of the Body Snatchers, and so on, and I buried it on the Facebook Group[1] page in a reply to someone else’s rah rah posts. This one arises from a recent post in proud announcement of taking taken her ‘covid’ shots.


Actually, I’m sorry to hear of your decision, Jo Anne et al. And I hate to be the stubborn iconoclast throwing a wet blanket on what resembles a celebration for a friend who has just won the lottery:

This—these ‘vaccines’—is an FDA-unapproved emergency genetic modification experiment and everyone who takes it is literally a test subject. The long term effects of these injections have not been determined. Previous coronavirus vaccine testing has been halted for safety reasons—the test animals virtually all died, particularly from what is known as ADE, antibody-dependent enhancement… where the immune system goes apeshit upon subsequent exposure to the virus or its analogs.

The CDC’s VAERS reports a percentage of deaths 90 times greater for the ‘covid’ mRNA ‘vaccines’ than for the flu vaccine in 2019! And at roughly only 3.5 months we are not yet into the long-term effects. Dr. Mercola’s fact-checked column gives a great deal of crucial data and matter for deep concern… at the following page:

A world-leading provax Bill Gates-funded insider, Dr. Geert Vanden Bossche, has issued a warning to his colleagues of a major species’ catastrophe event to recipients’ immune systems if these mRNA injections are not stopped. [I was chastised by Group members for bringing it up, so took down the link, but the deactivated link is here:] Other experts have disagreed w/ Dr. Geert’s analysis, but WE AT LEAST MUST HAVE THE DISCUSSION!

Other key facts:

  • Your chances of full recovery from ‘covid’ are in aggregate ~99.76%.
  • Vaccine makers do not claim the injections will stop ‘covid.’
  • There is no undo switch, no treatment for serious injury to you.
  • You cannot sue the shot maker for damages.
  • Other proven remedies exist for ‘covid.’

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Brian’s Column: Nine Reasons…

… why receiving any ‘covid’ ‘vaccine’ injection is “catastrophically irrational”
By Brian R. Wright

Note: Catastrophically irrational is actually a clinical term in the context of diagnosing and treating the collective-brain syndrome (CBS) social disease. It only means that the result of one’s action will be unnecessarily potentially catastrophic in contrast to other clear choices based on reason and logic. [CBS Level 1, Class 1.]

The chart figure top-right shows the CDC’s data for survival by age group of ‘covid’ cases defined by a positive result on the RT-PCR test (admitted by CDC to be unreliable). These nine points show no reason exists to take the ‘covid’ injection:

  1. It has NOT been approved by the FDA only okayed for experimental-emergency use. No company or government entity is allowed to refer to this vax as “FDA-approved.” You are officially part of an experiment.
  2. Your chances of full recovery from ‘covid’ are in aggregate ~99.76% [and that is without application of any of the known and banned cures (items 7 and 8).]
  3. The vaccine makers do not claim that the ‘vaccine’ will prevent ‘covid,’ only possibly provide relief from “mild symptoms.”
  4. VAERS is reporting uncommonly large numbers of deaths and injuries (after just three months, more than 1524 deaths and 31.079 total adverse events, >5000 serious injuries). [A Harvard Medical School study found that less than 1 in 100 vaccine adverse events, in aggregate, was ever reported.]
  5. If you are injured, say w/ uncontrollable violent spasms 24/7 (ref. this litany of cases:, there is no known treatment.
  6. You are federally prohibited from suing the manufacturer for damages.
  7. Drugs—like hydroxychloroquine, ivermectin, budesonide, niacin—exist that kill viruses, esp ‘covid.’ The med establishment has known this for 40 years, and quashed and gone out of its way to prohibit their use. If the truth is that antimicrobial drugs kill viruses, then vaccines are not necessary—in fact an intolerable risk. That’s a $69 billion industry that’s unconscionably caused several times that amount of human suffering.
    [http://ly/3r1nVA2_Highwire_Interview_Lee_Merritt and].
  8. Nutritional regimens also prevent and cure viruses, particularly the ‘covid’ virus. These are also quashed by the med establishment, government agencies ban sites that advocate them, and mainstream media and Big Tech cancel positive discussion. I’ve adopted the David Brownstein preventive protocol, which the FDA forced him to take down from his site:
  9. Alternatives to ‘vaccines’ are censored and taken down from public display via the standard social media, as well as the mainstream media. Any word of alternatives to the ‘vaccines’ is strictly suppressed.

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Stonebeam 25: CBS III: Tactics and Widgets

Story Shot 25, by Brian R. Wright  PDF Version, 12 March 2021

Note: This is the third in a series of three columns on the CBS affliction. Pt. I, Pt. 2.

If you have not read the first two Stonebeams in this series please do so to provide a framework and context for this one. Second, a special thanks to a special freedom warrior woman from, of all places, Jolly Ol’ (England), for the image at the right… and, more, for being an enthusiastic contributing audience, which has deeply encouraged me to write on the collective-brain syndrome (CBS) Strategy, Decollaring Guide, and Indie consciousness in general: Hail Susie of Sherwood Forest.

Instead of stretching the Robin Hood referent, let’s go to Hans Christian Andersen’s Denmark and his The Emperor’s New Clothes. Little Susie is today’s ‘Little Child’ of the fable, stating the obvious that the emperor wears no clothes.

Still the same old story, the perfect metaphor for holding the great collared-mind masses in bondage and in homage to—not so much the king, rather—the charlatan-soothsayer leeches and puppeteers who pull the strings of throne power.

In our modern case that’s the Klaus Schwabs and Friends of the Great Reset.

I’ll transition to a parallel analogy, the Wizard of Oz, to share a common truth:

Both the Grand Wiz and Naked King entourage generate a Grand Illusion, a Big Lie, to hypnotize a public rendered largely unconscious and compliant by OFFICIAL STORIES leveraging CBS. The Oz Tranceotron of smoke and audiovisuals, today, is TV.

How does Toto pull back the curtain on that, expose the old guy and his levers?

Then how do we rise like Dorothy to read the feeble dude the riot act and go home?

Here are plausible steps I see for Indies getting and keeping the CBS cure rolling: Continue reading

Stonebeam 24: CBS II: Urgent Call to Action!

Story Shot 24, by Brian R. Wright  PDF Version, 11 March 2021

Note: This is the second in a series of three columns on the CBS affliction. Pt. 1, Pt. 3.

All right, in Stonebeam 23[1] I developed a concept for a general psychological affliction of humanity that I am naming collective-brain syndrome (CBS)[2]—its nature, its ubiquity (everywhere-ness), and its threat to Independent consciousness and Being… that is, to the next stage of human evolution.

And I pointed to the probable psychobiological origins of CBS, and how what we’re seeing now with ‘covtardia’ and the Great Reset is a resurgence in global society, or attempted resurgence, of what Julian Jaynes calls “the bicameral mind.”

What’s next? Where do we go from here?

Where “we” = Independents[3] of the world and those embracing The Highest Ethic.

[Ultimately, I intend the “CBS Strategy” to effect Independents Rising.]

Big Picture and CBS Strategy

The big picture is to further the FLOW cultivation philosophy and fellowship (ref. thecoffeecoaster|Stones|Stonebeam 16) in complementary fashion with Thrive… which serves as an apotheosis-celebration of “Independent Being in benevolent community.” The major impediment to this humane goal, I’ve identified as herd mind (i.e. CBS) trapped, suicidally, in the global domination agenda (GDA).

Thus the CBS Strategy is to treat herd mind—enabler of the impending ‘covid’ Great Reset of world tyranny—as a deadly, clinical, contagious disease to “our kind.” And eradicate CBS by undermining both its predatory consciousness’ herders and freeing its prey herdies with tools of understanding and immunity. Continue reading

Guest Column: Insurrection Narrative Crumbles, Glenn Greenwald

As the Insurrection Narrative Crumbles, Democrats Cling to it …
Excerpt from Greenwald’s letter to unpaid subscribers, go here to subscribe

This is an important column from an intellectual who seems to accept much of the official story of the January 6 breach of the Capitol, yet exercises more critical thinking than the conventional ‘left’ journalist.

“And as Democrats and liberals now gear up to demand a new War on Terror, this one domestic in nature, it should be no surprise that the rhetorical leaders of their effort now are the same lowlife neocon and Rovian slanderers — Bill Kristol, David Frum, Steve Schmidt, Nicolle Wallace, Rick Wilson — who demonized everyone who questioned them as part of the first War on Terror as traitors and terrorist-lovers and subversives. It is not a coincidence that neocons are leading the way now as liberals’ favorite propagandists: they are the most skilled and experienced in weaponizing and exaggerating terrorism threats for political gain and authoritarian power.”

Twice in the last six weeks, warnings were issued about imminent, grave threats to public safety posed by the same type of right-wing extremists who rioted at the Capitol on January 6. And both times, these warnings ushered in severe security measures only to prove utterly baseless.

First we had the hysteria over the violence we were told was likely to occur at numerous state capitols on Inauguration Day. “Law enforcement and state officials are on high alert for potentially violent protests in the lead-up to Inauguration Day, with some state capitols boarded up and others temporarily closed ahead of Wednesday’s ceremony,” announced CNN. In an even scarier formulation, NPR intoned that “the FBI is warning of protests and potential violence in all 50 state capitals ahead of President-elect Joe Biden’s inauguration.”

The resulting clampdowns were as extreme as the dire warnings. Washington, D.C. was militarized more than at any point since the 9/11 attack. The military was highly visible on the streets. And, described The Washington Post, “state capitols nationwide locked down, with windows boarded up, National Guard troops deployed and states of emergency preemptively declared as authorities braced for potential violence Sunday mimicking the Jan. 6 attack on the U.S. Capitol by a mob of pro-Trump rioters.” All of this, said the paper, “reflected the anxious state of the country ahead of planned demonstrations.”

But none of that happened — not even close. The Washington Post acknowledged three weeks later: Continue reading

Stonebeam 23: CBS: The Self-Immolation ‘Virus’ and Cure

Story Shot 23, by Brian R. Wright  PDF Version, 04 March 2021

Note: This is the first in a series of three columns on the CBS affliction. Pt. 2, Pt. 3.

“There’s no such thing as a collective brain.” — Howard Roark,
The Fountainhead, Ayn Rand

Bingo! Eureka moment. This one sentence from Roark’s courtroom speech in the movie triggered the connection and led to a watershed column on what I call “collective-brain syndrome” (CBS).[1]

Which, along with “runaway” mind,[2] has kept our species from full consciousness and flourishing. What I’m writing here is a summary or foreword to two followon works of high urgency:

  • Decollaring Guide—my white paper expanding on this column w/fuller fixes.
  • Independents Rising book—I will lay out an entire Independents’ movement.[3]

The crisis, of course, is what’s upon us with the ‘covtardia’ (ref. my Stonebeam #1 footnote)-induced mass “catastrophic irrationality” and its opportunistic Great Reset infection. [There are other (related) threats in the Matrix,[4] all of which require us to End CBS NOW! and take practical political steps to resolve its antihuman effects.]

So what’s the origin and development of CBS? Two major intellectuals lie at the root of the understanding: Julian Jaynes and Ayn Rand. Continue reading