Assembled by myself and Shane Trejo, executive director of CRAL
June 26, 2015
Please read and review. Also, this is a user document. We want everyone who sees the release to go to the original at this location (, then download it in Word format, adjust the date if need be, and send it forward to your local media and newswires in the general vicinity of wherever you hang your hat. The saga of Doreen and Pete Hendrickson needs to be sent out to the world, far and wide. They are the folk heroes around whom every American can rally… as we learn to claim/reclaim our property from Leviathan… and wrest a good woman from its clutches, bringing her home to family and friends. The word is Liberty. Spread the good word.
And fund the ongoing effort here:
Make viral the outstanding 12-minute video: As of this posting, number of visits/views to the YouTube channel is closing in on 10,000.
Shane Trejo
Civil Rights Action League (CRAL)
Phone: 248-563-8250
Waterford, Michigan, June 26, 2015 – On July 26, 2014, Commerce Township, Michigan, resident, wife, and mother of two Doreen Hendrickson, became the first American convicted of criminal contempt for refusing to commit perjury… after being ordered to violate her conscience and 1st and 5th Amendment rights by a federal judge. The jury was not even allowed to consider the lawfulness or Constitutionality of the order.
Ms. Hendrickson was subsequently sentenced by Judge Victoria Roberts to 18 MONTHS’ PRISON at the Alderson, WV, facility. Doreen began serving her sentence on May 15, 2015, BEFORE the circuit court’s hearing of the appeal of her conviction.
Because of the conviction and sentence, Ms. Hendrickson and her husband Pete——a whistleblower who wrote the book, Cracking the Code, compiling information from verifiable sources about the federal income tax——have received vast popular attention. A documentary on the couple has received thousands of views on Youtube:
Supporters have also formed Civil Rights Action League (CRAL) to help Doreen and others the system would render Constitutionally defenseless, and to restore the rule of law to American courts.
CRAL is creating public awareness and a support system for individuals being persecuted and oppressed by fraudulent political authority wielded in flagrant defiance of the Constitution——at all levels of government. This organization also supports reassertion of the traditional American grand jury role in investigating and indicting corrupt government officials and their associates.
CRAL Executive Director Shane Trejo said, “The Doreen Hendrickson case is the last straw. It is past time to demand our rights rather than merely asking for our government officials to be judicious. That is never going to happen so we must demand investigations and trials for the real criminals within government who have destroyed countless lives in their flagrant degradation of the law.”
“We won’t back down from controversy,” Trejo said. “We are here to take on crime and corruption, not to impress donors and the political class. CRAL’s first project is fighting for Ms. Hendrickson’s rights. In addition to the documentary, we have many other plans in the works to reclaim liberty and justice… for everyone!”
[Ms. Hendrickson’s fundraiser site:]
[Until the conviction is overturned, Doreen receives mail here: Doreen Hendrickson, 48564-039, FPC Alderson A-4, P.O. Box A, Alderson, WV 24910. She will enjoy hearing from anyone who cares and wants to be part of the human liberation process. Note: this is where world famous Martha Stewart did her time (though Martha only for five months under ‘cupcake’ conditions… ironically because Martha did NOT refuse to lie to officials).]
– END –
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The remarkable mother from Waterford is set to become a remarkable figure of legal / national history.