Brian’s Column: Handwriting on the Wall

Del Bigtree HighWire 4/23/20 +

What follows is a summary of key points from a recent broadcast of The HighWire by Del Bigtree. I cannot recommend strongly enough that we all abandon the Pharma-mainstream media and learn the facts about CV from the HighWire and other solid alternative sources.[1]

I’m also going to provide links to other key sites and pages that have come to my attention since the 4/23 livestream [I believe this one is up (so far) on YouTube], along with some discussion.[2] The “Corona World Order (CWO)”—I thank James Corbett for that designation—and the people’s resistance to it ARE THE most crucial issue of our day… and the crisis is unfolding as we speak. It’s quite simple: If CWO is sustained, independent humanity as we know it ends. If we defeat it, the Independents [] survive, but we still have our work cut out for us.

People should not be afraid of their governments
Governments should be afraid of their people — V

1) Recent CV deaths/cases studies dictate IMMEDIATE END to global shutdown

[More such studies from respected establishment institutions are in the pipeline.] Two randomized studies and a study-informed model have been submitted to peer review (and the USC one reported via mainstream via the 4/21 presidential task force briefing):

  1. USC and LA County Public Health, LA County–CV infection rate 28-50 times higher than currently accepted number [John Roberts, Fox News, who has just heard of the USC study was caught on hot mic, someone asks if it’s the ‘h’ (hoax) word, Roberts says no, he doesn’t think it’s a hoax only that the CV death rate is on order of a low average flu season (0.1 to 0.2%), then asks prez adviser Birx about the study’s implications, she dodges question
  2. Stanford University, Santa Clara County–infection rate 50-85 times higher than currently accepted number.
  3. Private Company, CodonCode, Massachusetts–model and data show infection rate 50-100 times higher than currently accepted number.

Implication: The true infection number when extrapolated and compared to the whole US population and (CDC-explicitly OVERREPORTED) numbers of covid cases and deaths is that CV deaths per cases = 0.11% to 0.22%, NOT the 4.3% ratio that the CDC has been using. [Flu average = 0.13%. Bad flu e.g. 2017-2018 = 0.5%.] US Senator Rand Paul speaks to these new studies and facts on the US Senate floor. Interview with Minnesota state senator Dr. Scott Jensen, who similarly confirms return to full commerce as immediately imperative. Continue reading

Brian’s Column: ‘The China Bug’ Official Story Epidemic (OSE) II

Latest ‘Emperor’s New Clothes’ syndrome devastates US sporting world
From BW Fog Cuts, Brian R. Wright (

Candidly, my native optimism suffers the slings and arrows of near-universal mass unconsciousness  — both routine and exceptional — poorly.  This latest bombardment from the oligarchy to its seemingly unbounded cannon fodder regarding the virus du jour, 2019-nCov, has gone from the sublimely ludicrous to intravenous-heading-toward-Pluto.

Especially if you’re a sports fan.

This morning the PGA Tour announced the ‘postponement’ of The Masters Golf Tournament, which was to have been held April 9-12. This weekend’s highest-purse ‘fifth major,’ The Player’s Championship was cancelled yesterday.  I had heard Wednesday night, March 11, that the National Basketball Association (NBA) was going on a minimum 30-day hiatus. The NCAA tournament was cancelled Thursday. Baseball, hockey, schools closing, NFL draft impacted, “dogs and cats NOT sleeping together,” etc.

For what? Because a few athletes had some cold symptoms and “tested positive for Covid-19 (latest name:  2019-nCoV.” What exactly does it mean to test positive for Covid-19? Does the medical establishment even know what the Covid-19 virus IS, much less whether anyone HAS it?

As to what it IS, at least in the field in someone’s body, I don’t think so. From my previous Notes from the Front ( the HighWire expert has a picture of what the virus’s genetic structure is and that it likely came from an intentional act in a laboratory — then got out of the laboratory and into humans.

But we have no evidence that THIS virus (named 19-nCoV is being tested for with the prevalent PCR (polymerase chain reaction) test method. [Authorities are expanding the numbers via “presumptive cases” or simply not testing at all.]

We also have no confidence that the PCR method in any particular test of an individual was not contaminated — tremendous care must be exercised. And there is no evidence of accuracy of the PCR test.  Finally, the PCR test itself has never been scientifically, clinically validated .

What this means is we have no idea in general whether any particular individual anywhere in the world HAS nCoV or something else — most likely routine coronavirus (yielding cold and flu symptoms) for which doctors say there is a 99.7% recovery rate for people under 50: Continue reading

Brian’s Column: Tweet City on the Covid Op

A series of Tweets with support verbiage pertinent to Operation Covid
By Brian R. Wright

The general knowledge of what is coming down to show that the establishment’s latest global tyranny effort, Operation Covid, is growing like a marijuana plants in a Phototron. This is my personal effort to keep up and share the latest with my readers. [All of these should fit inside the limits of a standard Tweet, feel free to reword as desired.]





Guest Column: American Citizens Killed and Tortured by Israel?

No one is ever held accountable [Excerpt below]
By Philip Giraldi, original column in Unz Report here

One of the principal functions of a United States Embassy overseas is to provide citizen services, which includes coming to the assistance of Americans who are treated badly by the local government. It is a responsibility that most embassies take seriously, with the exception of the facility currently located in Jerusalem. One has to understand that that is so because the United States Embassy in Israel is like no other. In other countries, the American Embassy exists to support American travelers, businesses and a broad range of national interests. In Jerusalem the Embassy exists to support Israeli interests and to serve as an apologist every time the government of Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu goes on a killing spree or does something else that is similarly outrageous, to include bombing neighboring Syria every other day.

America’s current ambassador, former Trump bankruptcy lawyer David Friedman, has funded Israel’s illegal settlements, which did not in any way complicate his confirmation as nearly everyone in Congress and the White House does not believe that the Palestinians actually are human beings. Since taking up his position, Friedman has defended Israel when its army sharpshooters have shot down scores of unarmed Gazans, including children, and has both praised and endorsed out-and-out theft by the Israeli government in Jerusalem, on the West Bank and the Golan Heights.

What the U.S. Embassy under Friedman will not do is put any real pressure on the Israeli government if its security forces or rampaging settlers kill, beat, maim or torture an American citizen, especially if said citizen happens to be of Palestinian descent. Indeed, Friedman is only the latest manifestation of Israel-first-itis among U.S. Ambassadors, the rot having started inevitably with Bill Clinton, who appointed Australian citizen Martin Indyk as the first Jewish ambassador to Tel Aviv. The two most recent ambassadors, Friedman and Daniel Shapiro, both political appointees, have also been Jewish. Shapiro so enjoyed being an Israeli that he decided to remain in the country after his appointment as ambassador was completed. He now works for an Israeli government funded think tank. Continue reading

Book Review: Blowing Carbon (2009)

Short fiction and essays, by Jack Kline

Blowing Carbon is a first-time collection of entertaining, enlightening, and endearing stories from exciting new ‘Kansan-American’ author, Jack Kline. Jack is also the creator of the exciting Philip Morris private-eye series, starting with one-day-to-be blockbuster, But Not for Me… and sequel Rhapsody in progress. Enjoy this budding writer of heart and imagination as he conveys timeless human drama drawn from his own salt-of-the-earth experiences. Such as:

  • a haunting at a Lake of the Ozarks cabin
  • the truth about Mary and her little lamb
  • a woman’s conflicting memories of her childhood
  • a college student’s struggle with tacit racism in 1973
  • one father’s emotional turmoil at his daughter’s wedding
  • examining televangelists’ and TV wrestlers’ influence on a toddler
  • a snowy ride across Kansas and Colorado in a ’49 Mercury with a man who may be Santa Claus
  • a river rock’s poignant message of peace and timelessness

From the beginning, you’ll be hooked: places and times often circa Mr. Kline’s native digs (Overland Park, KS). But this is more than a Boomer book of poignant mischief and retrospection, all ages and conditions will see recurring universals on display here… I was especially moved by the essay regarding father letting go of daughter into matrimony and a life of her own. Actually, I was moved to tears on a couple of the pieces. Also smiles. And self-recognition.

In addition, Jack has a knack for seeing the big picture and speculating what life may be like years from now. His short “Post Literacy” essay rallies us subconsciously to hold onto a core practice of our common humanity… that is, reading and writing.

“I am a dinosaur, an antique, the last of a dying breed. Born at the end of the millennium in 1998, I sit here at my ancient pock-marked oak desk having outlived my peers. And I stand apart from the vast majority of humanity, not solely because I am 117 years old, but because I can read.” — Page 75

And rendering sharp, common sense satire of the anti-smoking crusade:

“Their numbers dwindle through incessant tax increases, anti-smoking campaigns, employer sanctions, shrinking allowable smoking locations, and of course attrition—because, after all, “smoking may be hazardous.” Being a smoker today is like being a leper in Biblical times. The anti-smoking forces are uncaring and ruthless. For example, in 2007, Bangor, Maine, implemented an ordinance instituting a fine of up to $50 for drivers who smoke in a car carrying a minor. And if they can ordain that, then why not in our own homes….” — Page 199 Continue reading

Brian’s Column: Independents Rising

From chapter of the same name in American Gumption-Catharsis
By Brian R. Wright

Note: This column is a transcription from Chapter 5: Independents Rising of my book on the Hendrickson Discovery, American Gumption-Catharsis, which argues that filing educated—according to Pete Hendrickson’s book, Cracking the Code—can be THE way to man up for psychological independence. End the universal immediate threat to the species of collective-brain syndrome (CBS) and collective-brain psychosis (CBP).

Context is the irrational response on Quora to Jeremy Lee’s arguments on the nature of the tax…

The negative commenters are all over the map with ad hominem, ridicule, appeals to authority, evidence-bereft assertions, irrelevancies, and just ordinary logical contradictions. Every fallacy in the book. Like talking to those who get their info from the national anchors.

And here’s the remarkable shared irrationality:

Virtually all the leading proliberty pundits, from Paul Craig Roberts to Jacob Hornberger—to the extent they don’t simply ignore the Discovery—exhibit the same mix of fallacious ‘thinking’ as the Olivias, Jeffs, and Bruces when they dismiss CtC-educated facts and logic.


I have a feeling the comprehensive answer to this simple question is potentially HUGE for the Discovery movement, as well as to right virtually every wrong in the world today and hold evil at bay indefinitely. So please bear with me for a page or five of analysis.

Consensus Mind (also Collar Mind, the ‘Collareds’)

Jon Rappoport coins the term ‘consensus reality,’ referring to the real-world side of the same phenomenon. In the old days of Ayn Rand and her then protégé, Nathaniel Branden, coined the term, social metaphysics, which is the psychological affliction of…

“…one who holds the consciousness(es) of other men, NOT objective reality, as his ultimate psycho-epistemological[1] frame of reference.” Continue reading

Guest Column: Assange in Court

Former UK ambassador, Craig Murray: “Julian is being tortured.”
By Craig Murray [Excerpted from original column here.]

A man of true stature stands forth publicly to testify to the US and UK atrocity-laden treatment of an Australian journalist of heroic stature. End the UK and US demolition of the Bill of Rights and torture of Julian Assange. If we stand by as cowards watching his destruction, we will suffer the same or worse fate.— bw


I have received scores of requests to republish and/or translate this article. It is absolutely free to use and reproduce and I should be delighted if everybody does; the world should know what is being done to Julian. So far, over 200,000 people have read it on this blogsite alone and it has already been reproduced on myriad other sites, some with much bigger readerships than my own. I have seen translations into German, Spanish and French and at least extracts in Catalan and Turkish. I only ask that you reproduce it complete or, if edits are made, plainly indicate them. Many thanks.


I was deeply shaken while witnessing yesterday’s events in Westminster Magistrates Court. Every decision was railroaded through over the scarcely heard arguments and objections of Assange’s legal team, by a magistrate who barely pretended to be listening.

Before I get on to the blatant lack of fair process, the first thing I must note was Julian’s condition. I was badly shocked by just how much weight my friend has lost, by the speed his hair has receded and by the appearance of premature and vastly accelerated ageing. He has a pronounced limp I have never seen before. Since his arrest he has lost over 15 kg in weight.

But his physical appearance was not as shocking as his mental deterioration. When asked to give his name and date of birth, he struggled visibly over several seconds to recall both. I will come to the important content of his statement at the end of proceedings in due course, but his difficulty in making it was very evident; it was a real struggle for him to articulate the words and focus his train of thought.

Until yesterday I had always been quietly sceptical of those who claimed that Julian’s treatment amounted to torture – even of Nils Melzer, the UN Special Rapporteur on Torture – and sceptical of those who suggested he may be subject to debilitating drug treatments. But having attended the trials in Uzbekistan of several victims of extreme torture, and having worked with survivors from Sierra Leone and elsewhere, I can tell you that yesterday changed my mind entirely and Julian exhibited exactly the symptoms of a torture victim brought blinking into the light, particularly in terms of disorientation, confusion, and the real struggle to assert free will through the fog of learned helplessness. Continue reading