Book Review: You Can’t Afford the Luxury of a Negative Thought (2002)

A book for people with any life threatening illness… including life
by Peter McWilliams
Review by Brian Wright

You Can't Afford the Luxury of a Negative ThoughtThanks to some interaction on Facebook and MySpace, I’ve discovered a whole new subculture of Peter McWilliams devotees that I had never imagined.

It was in 2002, in Anaheim, CA, I witnessed David Nolan[1] tearfully address the Libertarian Party National Convention on the subject of Peter’s lifelong struggle against tyranny—Peter died 6/14/2000, murdered by federal drug officials. I was equally moved by David’s tribute to this wonderful man, recalling David explaining that Peter Continue reading

Movie Review: The Best Years of Our Lives (1946)

Bette Davis’ favorite movie of all time __ 9/10
Review by Brian Wright

The Best Years of Our LivesFred Derry: I dreamed I was gonna have my own home. Just a nice little house for my wife and me out in the country… in the suburbs anyway. That’s the cock-eyed kind of dream you have when you’re overseas.
Peggy Stephenson: You don’t have to be overseas to have dreams like that.
Fred Derry: Yeah. You can get crazy ideas right here at home. Continue reading

Guest Column: Free Don Siegelman

… then the rest of us
Support the effort to free former governor
Don Siegelman from the Federal Prosecutocracy
by Various

Free Don SiegelmanSo why would the Coffee Coaster care about a public official who was subjected to blatantly malicious federal prosecution then convicted in a federal kangaroo court and imprisoned in the federal Gulag. Because if it can happen to Don Siegelman (governor of Alabama 1999-2003) it can happen to you, to me, or to your grandmother munching on marijuana brownies… and IS! Continue reading

Brian’s Column: Homeland Security Bulletin

Fantasy Football[1] terrorists captured in Michigan
by Brian Wright

Originally posted December 2010. Oddly enough, when the manure of blind nationalist faith hits the fan, the wildest imaginative fiction cannot touch the frightening strangeness of the truth. The following conversation could realistically happen in United States Bizarro World 2010 as we know it. Indeed, for all I know, it may have actually occurred! The idea came to me based on a charge of collusion made several years ago by a short-time member of my own fantasy football league (MPACT) in the Detroit, Michigan, area. [Note: collusion is a negligible occurrence in contests where the winner(s) make peanuts in prize money.] Continue reading

Book Review: Ain’t Nobody’s Business if You Do (1996)

The absurdity of consensual crimes in our free country—Peter McWilliams
Reviewed by Brian Wright

Ain't Nobody's Business if You Do1996, Prelude Press, 666 pages

“I never hurt nobody but myself
and that’s nobody’s business but my own.”
— Billie Holiday

It’s taken me too long to review this book because it’s taken me far too long to actually read this magnificent book.  Everyone in Liberty World knows Peter McWilliams and most of us have shed many a tear for this sensitive, kind, humane, supremely intelligent, humorous author, publisher, and advocate of fundamental personal freedom.  For this man. Continue reading

Movie Review: Gigi (1958)

Yes, doggonit, a great sense-of-life film __ 9/10
Reviewed by Brian Wright

GigiAunt Alicia: Love, my dear Gigi, is a thing of beauty like a work of art, and like a work of art it is created by artists.

Gigi: Who gave it to you, Aunt?
Aunt Alicia: A king!
Gigi: A great king?
Aunt Alicia: No, a little one. Great kings do not give very large stones.
Gigi: Why not?
Aunt Alicia: In my opinion it’s because they don’t feel they have to.
Gigi: Well, who does give the valuable jewels?
Aunt Alicia: Who? Oh the shy, the proud, and the social climbers, because they think it’s a sign of culture. But it doesn’t matter who gives them, as long as you never wear anything second-rate. Wait for the first-class jewels, Gigi. Hold on to your ideals. Continue reading

Guest Column: ‘Expose and Expunge’ Illegal Records on Citizens

Take action now to erase the DHS spy files
by Partnership for Civil Justice

Partnership Civil JusticeMost people are not aware that silently, but constantly, the government is now watching, recording your everyday travels and storing years of your activities in massive data warehouses that can be quickly “mined” to find out when and where you have been, whom you’ve visited, meetings you’ve attended, and activities you’ve taken part in…. This column comes from a mailing of Partnership for Civil Justice that fights the Grid, specifically the Department of Homeland Security (DHS) and its vast indiscriminate ‘spy files’ on American citizens. Continue reading