Guest Column: Ron Paul’s Grand Shi Strategy

Profound long-term forces at play in campaign
by Mark Spitznagel

Shi Ron PaulThis great and insightful column by Mr. Spitznbagel in Forbes was referred to me by Ron Burcham, something Ayn Rand would refer to as ‘thinking and acting long-range.’ I’ve indicated such a foundation for the eventual success—certainly within the next decade—of the Freedom Philosophy so well articulated by Dr. Paul in this campaign. Problem is—if another fine columnist, Paul Craig Roberts, is correct— on the weiqi game board of life, America and the world may not have the time to recover if Ron Paul or another liberty candidate does not win the presidency this year. Continue reading

Brian’s Column: The Truth Torpedo

Blowing away the Barrier Cloud
by Brian Wright

PhotonHow many of my baby boomer generation remember sitting around the college dorms (on Friday night, no less) watching Star Trek? Whenever the Enterprise found itself in a major battle and the phaser banks neared depletion, Captain Kirk would tell Chekov to fire the heavy artillery, the ultimate weapon: the Photon Torpedo. Then, FWAP! The heavens instantly flashed white, and Bah Bah to the Klingons or Romulans or whatever fleet of Galactic Pond Scum felt it could mess with our high-flying Federation-istas. Continue reading

Book Review: Rancho Costa Nada (2003)

The dirt-cheap desert homestead
by Phil Garlington
Review by Brian Wright

Rancho Costa NadaThis book and its author are another acquaintance I’ve made attributable to becoming the editor and publisher of one ‘Bo Keeley,’ or at least Bo’s book on alternative remedies, then two more coming soon… having to do with world-class hoboing and higher-skilled racquetball, respectively. Bo and Phil are definitely ‘six-sigma’ sorts of fellows, meaning the area on the Bell Curve their personalities occupy is not much bigger than the hopscotch course on a gnat playground. [Of course, I’m considerably off center from the normal distribution, too, which is what at least puts me in the orbit of understanding such exceptional perspectives.] Continue reading

Movie Review: City Island (2009)

Bronx neighborhood eccentric charmer ___ 8/10
Review by Brian Wright

City_IslandMolly: The problem is I’ve told this secret about a million times. I’ve auditioned with it in fact. It’s your turn Vincent, I’m stuck.
Vincent: I don’t know is it possible that I don’t have one [a secret]?
Molly: No, that would make you far too normal to want to be an actor. Continue reading

Guest Column: Politics as Sport

What if we handled political action like sports?
by Will White

Sports as PoliticsWould politics be more popular if it were treated as a sport? The answer is probably yes, considering media coverage and public demand. Michigan’s Speaker of the House, Jase Bolger admits to “being drawn in to political gamesmanship” after he was caught trying to game the electoral system. Sports and politics compete for headlines, but sports has its own section of the paper, TV sports anchors, and even its own networks.

Consider for a moment though if sports teams were covered like political parties. The only NFL teams Continue reading

Book Review: Executive Hobo (2011)

Riding the American Dream
by Bo Keeley
Review by Brian Wright

Executive HoboAs the editor and publisher for Executive Hobo, I’m in an ideal place to comment on one of the more unique books of our time. Similarly, its author is one of the more unique individuals of our time (from his Wikipedia entry you can see him as a colorful combination of Jack London and Jack Kerouac). Continue reading

Brian’s Column: Omamacare I

Obamacare vs. Omamacare
Don’t throw Mama off the dialysis machine
By Brian Wright (originally published 2009-09-07)

You can look at this story as a continuation of “Don’t Throw Mama off the Turnpike.” That’s when she and I caravan my 2002 “Free State Audi” with her 1997 Mercury Villager into the middle of New York State for the purpose of selling said Audi to an unlikely buyer. (Note Omamacare has become a series of columns.)[a]        [Go to Omamacare II]

Roughly 10 days ago, Mama Bear went in for a checkup with the kidney doctor.[1] Whoops! Blood pressure is far too high, other symptoms conclusive of renal failure. [Now I’m kicking myself for pressing her into duty as my “wing man” on the long-range, Continue reading