Brian’s Column: 911 Truth and the Grand Awakening

The cathartic potential 911 Memorialof unraveling the Big Lie
(1st posted 12/10/07)

Always in the news… until the people do come to the truth of things. Exposure of the reality behind what happened on 9/11/2001 has the greatest potential for liberating and empowering humankind. I feel this column from 2007 still has a lot to offer to those who care about life, liberty, and integrity.

In the course of discovering evidential grounds for believing in the alternative theory of what occurred on September 11, 2001,[1] two salient characteristics of the phenomenon of “9/11 Truth (911T) ” became abundantly clear to me: Continue reading

Brian’s Column: Wanted: Locker Room Attendant

Notes from the front lines of the Great Recession
by Brian Wright (originally posted 11/15/2010)

As part of my Old Paradigm[1] job search process, I have resumes posted on a couple of online search firms: (and—Senior Moment!—I forget the other one it’s been so long since I’ve received any reasonable inquiries). I also had listed my resume with a more direct peddler of personnel named QuintCareers, where my account profile specifies technical or marketing writing/editing but also, apparently, leaves a big door open by listing an “Other” category in my preferred industry focus… not to mention leaving the low end of my salary needs at 10,000 FRNs annually. So I’ve been going along for probably three-four years receiving emailed newsletter lists of mainly technical writing jobs in three regions of the US: New England, Mid-Atlantic, Great Lakes. Continue reading

Brian’s Column: Stepping up to the Law of Causality on 9/11

An open letter to my engineering colleagues concerning the tragic realities of 9/11

My Dearest Friends of Reason and Science:

Open Letter re: 9/11First, please forgive the presumption— should it indeed be a presumption—that as a corollary of your being an engineer you have a absolute devotion to the validity of reason and science.  It’s entirely possible in the years since graduation from engineering school someone may have convinced you otherwise, i.e. that things are true or false based on what God reveals or what other agencies (secular or clerical) claim to be true based on “higher authority” than objective reality as judged scrupulously by your own mind.

Continue reading

Brian’s Column: 911 Truth and the Grand Awakening

The cathartic potential 911 Memorialof
unraveling the Big Lie
by Brian Wright

In the course of discovering evidential grounds for believing in the alternative theory of what occurred on September 11, 2001,[1] two salient characteristics of the phenomenon of “9/11 Truth (911T) ” became abundantly clear to me: Continue reading